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"Happy Birthday, Sofia!  I can't believe my baby girl is ten years old!"

Jessica smiles and hugs her mother tightly.

"I love you.  You are the sweetest little girl ever, and I'm so proud to be your mommy"

"Awe!  Thanks, momma!"

Jessica smiles and kisses her cheek.

"So!  What do you want to do for your birthday?  Wanna have a shopping day with mommy? We can buy a whole bunch of new stuff, and get a new outfit for your birthday party on Saturday!" Jessica says with excitement.

"Can my friend Alexis come with us?"

Jessica's smile fades.


"Yay!  Thank you, mom!"

Sofia runs off to get ready and Jessica speaks in a sad voice, "Mom?  What about mommy or momma?  Danny my babies growing up!" Jessica begins to cry.

"Aw babe, she's still your little girl!"

"But she's a big girl now!  Danny, she's a pre teen and.. Well I'm noticing changes in her."

"What do you mean?"

"Her attitude is changing and.. Ugh, I don't know.  I really need to talk with her."

"Jess, about what?"


"Oh!  Oh that!  You think she's going to?  She's only ten!"

"Well of course she's going to eventually, Danny!"

"When did you start yours?"

"Twelve.. I know she knows about it, but I still need to be a good mother and talk to her about it.  Ooh!" Jessica gets an idea that makes her excited.


"Honey, go to the store and pick my up pads, liners, tampons, everything!"

"Why?  Are we getting ready for the apocalypse?"

"Danny please!"

"I hate buying that stuff!  You don't have your period anymore, I thought those days were over!"

"You have two daughters, those days are far from over!"

"Well what are you gonna do?"

"I'm making a period basket!" She smiles.

Danny laughs and Jessica whines.

"It's a good gift!"

"No honey, it's a very good gift.. She'll love it even more than the new phone we got her."

"Oh Daniel Huston you go to hell!" Jessica storms off.

"I love you too, honey!"


Jessica took Sofia and her friend shopping, and seeing her so grown up made her so sad.

After a couple hours of shopping they decided to eat lunch in one of the restaurants at the mall.

"Mom!  Since I'm ten now and practically a teenager, can I have a Instagram?"

"No you may not!"

"But mom!" Sofia whines.

"No ma'am.  We don't like social media."

"No. You Don't. Just because you don't doesn't mean I can't!"

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