Birthday Wish

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November 17th.

Jessica's condition is about the same.  She knows she has a long road to recovery, but it's frustrating to her.  Especially since cannot communicate with her family.

Today is Jackson's 11th birthday.  Things are different this year, but Danny planned on making his day as special as possible.

That morning Danny got up before the kids, and went to see Jessica.  He wanted to get her ready for when the kids came to visit.

Danny smiled when he walked in.  Jessica was sleeping peacefully.  He walked over, kissed her forehead, then set her things down.

Just a few minutes later and Jessica opened her beautiful eyes.

"Well good morning, sleepyhead." Danny smiles.

Jessica smiles lovingly into her husband's eyes.

"I came to get you ready for the day.  It's Jax's birthday!  Can you believe he's eleven?"

Jessica moans and nods her head.

"Seems like just yesterday he was born.. time sure does fly.."

Jessica moans once again.  Everytime Danny heard Jessica moan, his heart broke.  He knew she was trying so hard to speak to him.

Danny got closer to her and softly ran his fingers through her hair.

"I just realized I haven't told you how much I love you today.
I love you more than the whole world."

Jessica moans.

"I know." Danny smiles.  He knew exactly what she was saying to him.

"I don't deserve your love, but I'm so blessed to have it."

Jessica slowly lifted her hand, and Danny grabbed it.  He kissed the back of it, then held it to his chest as he leaned over and softly kissed her lips.

He then pulled away and grabbed the garment bag. "I brought you this to wear.  Is it okay?"

Jessica looks at him and makes a face.

"Really?!  I didn't do well?  Again?!"

Jessica giggled, then shook her head and tried her best to do an Okay hand sign.

"I like it!  You look beautiful in blue.  It's one of my favorite colors on you."

Jessica smiles.

"I spoke with the staff and they said I could give you your sponge bath today." Danny says with a smile.

Jessica was nervous.  She hated needing someone to help her.

"What's wrong, honey?  Are you hurting?"

Jessica nods her head.

"Are you hungry?"

Once again, she nods.

"Do you not want me to bathe you?"

Jessica's eyes water and her lips turn into a small pout.

"Honey, why? I'm your husband! I promise I won't try to get it in.. no matter how much I want to.."

Jessica rolls her eyes at his joke.

"Baby girl.." Danny walks over and wraps his arm around her.

Jessica sniffles then tries to speak.  She then gets frustrated.  She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and tries again.

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