Mommy's present

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"Danny, I'm so proud of you!  Look at you walking on your own!"

"A little slow but-"

"No, you're doing great, honey!"

"It wouldn't have happened without you.  Thank you so much for everything, Jess."

"It's no problem." Jessica smiles.

Danny slowly walks towards her with his cane in his hand.
He leans forward and softly kisses her lips.

"Mm!  I like to be rewarded with kisses!"

Danny chuckles and kisses her once again.

"Mommy!  I'm hungry!" Arabella interrupts.

"The boys are hungry too!"

"It's a little hard to give you the reward you truly deserve when we have four four year olds in the house." Danny says.

"Heh!  It's okay.  You owe me though, mister." Jessica points then turns as Danny watches her walk away.

"Okay!  Who wants some pasta?"

"Mommy made pasta, guys!" Arabella runs to her brothers with excitement.


"Everyone come sit at the table, please."

"Mommy's pasta is so yummy!" Coltan says climbing up onto one of the kitchen chairs.

"I like grandma's better." Joshua says.

"Well thanks!" Jessica chuckles.

"I'm kidding, momma!" He laughs.


Two days later.

"Daddy, can you take me shopping?" Coltan asks Danny.

"Why would you need to go shopping, bud?" Danny chuckles.

"I need to find something's for mommy."

"Oh!  Well I bought her tons of gifts.  Why don't I just put your name on one of those?"

"No!  I have to pick one out special for her!"

"Okay well.. I'll have to have grandma Zoe come with us."

"That's fine!" He smiles.

Jessica went to visit her parents with the kids while Danny took Coltan shopping for Jessica's present.

"What exactly are you looking for, Cole?" Zoe asks.

"Something that's shiny!"

"Ooh!  I know grandma Zoe would want something like that as well!" She smiles.

"Grandma, this is about my mommy now!"

"Oh that's right, I'm so sorry!"

Danny laughs and says, "Let's go to the jewelry store then"

"Yeah let's go there!" Coltan jumps.


"What does that say?" Coltan points to a necklace behind the glass.

"That says sister." Zoe answers.

"Oh!  Not that!  She's not my sissy!" He laughs.

"What about that one?"

"Which one?"

"That one right there!" He hits the glass.

"That one says friend."

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