Christmas is Cancelled!

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Jessica has had mild complications, so unfortunately she's had to stay in the hospital for a while longer than expected.

Everyday is difficult for Jessica and her family, but today was even worse.  Today is Thanksgiving.  Of course Danny did his best to make everyone happy, and to create many many new memories together.  He packed up some food, loaded the kids into the van, and they were off.

The twins, Arabella, and Coltan brought games to play with their mother.  The older two even joined in on the fun.  It was different, but it was actually a lot of fun.  Jessica's smile alone was enough to lift everyone's spirit.

The weeks past, and now it's Christmas time.
  Every single night the kids prayed with their father.  "God, please let us have mommy home for Christmas."

Well, what they didn't know was that God was answering their prayers.


Christmas Eve.

"Daddy, I want my mommy!"

"Aw princess!  We're baking cookies, don't be sad!  We're gonna take some to mommy!" Danny says with a smile.

"Daddy, Santa is coming and he won't know where to find mommy!" Arabella says with tears in her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Baby girl, don't cry, honey!  Santa knows where mommy is.  Don't stress over that, okay?"

Arabella sniffles and wipes her nose. "Daddy, I don't want Christmas to come if mommy isn't here.  I want her to be here when we wake up and open our presents." She then lets out a sob and continues. "Christmas is cancelled!  It can't come without mommy!"

Danny holds her tight as she sobs.
"Baby girl, you're going to make yourself sick.  Breathe with me.  In and out.."

"I'm just SAD, DADDY!" She shouts.

"I know you are, honey.  Mommy will be home soon..  Don't cry."

Sofia watched her baby sister bawl her eyes out.  Her heart broke for her.
She didn't know how much longer her family could take not having her mother home.


Christmas morning.

"The kids are still asleep, I'll be back as soon as possible!"

"No problem, Daniel!  We just can't wait for the kids to see her!" Dorothy said with excitement.

"They won't even care about the presents after they see her!" Danny said, his eyes tearing up.

"I know!"

"It's just.. it's been too long.." He sighs.

"But she's coming home." Albert says.

"Yes.  My angel's finally coming home." Danny smiles.


At the hospital.

"Jessica!  Ready to come home, baby?" Danny's voice trails off when he see's Jessica laying in bed with an oxygen mask on her face.

"What's going on?"

"Mr. Huston, will you please step out?  The doctor will come out and speak with you in a moment."

"No!  What happened?  She was supposed to come home!  It's Christmas!  Is she okay?"

"Mr. Huston, you need to step out."

Danny looks at Jessica and can't get himself to leave.


Danny sighs and slowly walks out.


Danny paced the hallways back and forth.  It seemed like hours to Danny before the Doctor came out.  When he did, Danny felt his stomach drop.

"How is she?  What happened?"

"Mr. Huston, you know your wife has struggled with respiratory problems--"

"Yes, what happened?!"

"Jessica had an attack this morning.  She's stable right now, but we almost lost her."

Danny felt a pain in his chest, and his knees go weak.  He couldn't hold back his tears.
"Can I see her?"

"Yes sir.  She's sleeping right now."

Danny nods, then walks in.
He saw his wife's tiny body, and he just cried and cried.
Danny held her hand in his, and placed a soft kiss on it.

"Marry Christmas, my angel.  I love you so much."

Danny then thought about his children, and his heart broke.
He knew they'd be up any minute, and he needed to get back home.  However, Danny couldn't get himself to stand up and walk out.  Not when she's this sick, and not on Christmas.  He didn't want her to be alone, but he didn't want his children at home without at least one parent.  Danny was so torn.

"Sweetheart, I don't know what to do.  I can't leave you, baby.
.. But I know you'll be furious with me if I don't get home to the kids.  I promise you I'll be back.  I won't let you be alone on Christmas."

Danny then looked down and cried silently.


Meanwhile back at the house.

"Where are they?  They should have been home already!"

"Don't worry, Dottie.  They'll be home soon." Albert says.

Dorothy sighs and looks up to the clock.
Just then the kids came downstairs.

"It's Christmas!  It's Christmas!" The twins shout with excitement.

"Where's daddy?" Coltan asks.

"Uh!  He's coming!  He just um.. he had to grab one of your very very special presents!" Dorothy smiles.

"I don't care about the presents.." Arabella looks down.

Sofia sighs, and wraps her arm around her little sister.

"I think you'll feel differently about with one." Dorothy tries her best to hold back her excitement.

Just then Danny walks in.

"Hey dad.." Jackson smiles very softly, with a sadness in his eyes.

"Hey.." Danny felt a lump in his throat.

"What.. What happened?" Dorothy asks.

Danny sighs and nods his head.
"The gift um.. isn't quite ready to bring home yet."

"Oh no.." Dorothy's heart hurt so badly.

"We should go.. uh.. go check on it again.  Right, Al?"

"That would be great, you two.  Thank you.."

"Of course!  You kiddos have fun!" Dorothy smiles and hugs her grandkids. "Merry Merry Christmas, my babies!"

"Say goodbye to grandma and grandpa, kids.  I'll walk y'all out."

Once outside, Danny filled them in on what was going on with Jessica.

"Danny.. I know you and Jessica have been through a lot.. and there was a time I couldn't stand you.
.. But you have done so much for my daughter!  You love her so much!  And I'm so grateful she has you." Dorothy says with tears.

Danny takes a deep breath, and hugs his mother in law.

"I love her.. and I will keep loving her until the day I die."

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