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Danny went against Jessica's wishes and drove to meet Trisha and Coltan.
Jessica was hurt and felt for her kids.
Life was never going to be the same and Jessica wasn't ready for that. By Danny going over to that house and seeing these people it was like stabbing Jessica in the heart. She was furious and felt so betrayed by him.

Sofia knew there was something that they were hiding but she held off on any questions she had. Instead she tried her best to help her mother with the babies.

"Momma, I found some coloring sheets that Bella would like. I'm gonna put a movie on and take her to my room."

"Oh honey, thank you so much! I'll call you two when lunch is ready."


Jessica watched as Sofia walked away with Arabella. She sighed and was quickly distracted by the twins.

"Food mama! Food!"

"I know I'm coming. Boys, please sit and play with your toys and Do Not fight!"

Jessica got lunch ready for the kids when her phone rang.


"Jess! Hey, everything will be okay but we're on the way to the emergency room."

"What! George, what happened?!"

"Well I noticed Jackson was kinda quiet this morning so I kept asking him if he felt sick or if something was bothering him. He said his stomach kinda hurt but that he was okay. Well he was running and he just fell over."

"Oh my gosh! George is he okay!"

"They think he has appendicitis. We're on our way to the hospital right now."

"Dammit! Okay I'm on my way! George, make him feel safe. Tell him that I'm on my way and that I love him."

"I will, sis."

Jessica had tears running down her face. How didn't she notice he felt sick? Then her anger grew even more towards Danny. He distracted her, he made her mad and she was blind to everything else.

"Girls! Come down here, please!" Jessica shouts as she quickly starts packing up everyone's lunch.

"Come on, boys. You need pants."

"No! No wear pants!" Joshua runs from her.

"Get back here right now!"

"NO!" He says in a bratty tone.

Jessica got up and grabbed him by the arm before spanking him on his thigh.

"We have to go!"

Joshua screams and cries as he hangs from her.

"Is lunch ready, momma?" Sofia asks coming down the stairs holding Arabella's hand.

"Yes but we're taking it with us, sweet heart. Uncle George just called brother's sick and has to go to the hospital."

"Oh no! Is he gonna be okay!" Sofia says with wide eyes.

"Yes, I just need to get over there!"

"Poor Jackson.."


On the way to the hospital Jessica called Danny but got no answer.

"Dammit! Pick up your damn phone, Daniel!" Jessica tossed her phone to the side and continued driving.

Danny's POV.

"Danny, how does your wife feel about all of this?"

Danny sighs, "She's not happy about it but-"

"Danny, I don't want that! I've caused enough trouble and I just would rather things stay the way they were."

"But they're not, Trish! They're not! Finding out I have another son that I didn't even know about.. it's crazy. I want him to know who his father is. I don't want to just ignore my own son."

Coltan came into the room and smiled at Danny.

"Hey! I know you!"

"Haha! How ya doin, bud?"

"Good! Wanna play cars?"

"Cole, not now."

"No I'd love to!" Danny stands up and follows him to his toys.

"I gots lots of toys from my Mimi!"

"That's awesome!"

"Here! You play with dis one!"

Danny grabbed the car and played with him. Trisha stood in the doorway and watched. She didn't realize but a small smile had formed on her face. She never thought she'd see this image in front of her. It made her happy seeing them together.

Trisha walked over and kneeled down beside them, "You like playing with Danny?" She asked.

"Yeah! We fwiends!"

Trisha chuckles and softly touches his hair.

"...honey.. That's your daddy."

Trisha had tears in her eyes and Danny looked at her. He didn't think she'd just blurt it out the way she did.

"What? I don't have a daddy, silly!" Coltan laughs.

"Yes you do.. Danny's your daddy."

Coltan's eyes widen and he makes an O shape with his mouth.
Danny chuckles and Coltan drops his car and hugs him tight.
Danny smiled softly and held him in his arms.


Jessica's POV.

Once they got to the hospital George came out to stay with the kids so that Jessica could be with Jackson.

"Oh my baby! Honey, I'm so sorry!"

"It hurts, mommy!" Jackson cries.

"I know, handsome.. I'm so sorry! They're gonna make you feel better, okay? Mommy's here, precious. I won't leave you."

"Mommy, where's daddy?"

"I..I don't know, honey."

"I want my daddy." Jackson cries.

Tears ran down Jessica's face as her son cried into her lap.

"Damn you Daniel Huston! How could you do this to us?"

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