I can't lose you too

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"DAD!  HELP!" Sofia runs to look for Danny.
"What?  What's wrong?!" He panics.
"Mom's sick!"
"What do you mean?"
"She grabbed her chest and told me to call you.  Daddy she sounds like she can't breathe!"
"Oh my God!" Danny runs to the  living room in a panic.
"Danny, I can't breathe!"
Danny was shocked, so he grabbed her and said, "I have to get you to the hospital!" He takes her to the car as the babysitter pulls into the parking lot.
"Oh thank God you're here!  I have to take Jessica to the hospital, I don't have time to explain, we have to go!"
"Oh my gosh! No, thats fine, just go!" She says as she looks at Jessica looking like she's about to pass out.


"How do you feel?" He asks.
"I just feel really nauseous, my stomach and my chest hurt, and I feel like my body's on fire."
"Well we're almost there, just breathe."

Danny takes her to the emergency room and explains everything.

They checked Jessica's blood pressure and it was extremely high.
They also put her on oxygen and an IV.
The doctor comes in and says, "Mrs. Huston, it seems you had a very severe anxiety attack, you are also suffering from dehydration.  Your weight has dropped significantly low, and if you keep going down this road, you'll have to be hospitalised.  I know you've recently been under a lot of stress, so it is understandable, but you really need to think of yourself as well."
Jessica takes the mask off and says, "I know, but can I see my baby?"
"You're blood pressure is sky high right now, and I can't let you leave without getting it down.  I'm sorry."
"But I have to!  My baby!"
Danny sits beside her and rubs her back.
"Jessica, you need to get better."
"But what if they unplug her without us?"
"They're not going to.  Just relax, I can't lose you too." Danny looks at her with tears in his eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere... I'm fine.  I just don't want her to be alone, can you go and be with her, please?"
"I don't wanna leave you."
"You have to.. I'm fine, Danny.  Go be with her... Touch her.. Hold her.. Talk to her and tell her that I love her.  Tell her that I'll see her soon, so to hang on." She says in a shaky voice.
"I will.." He looks deep into her eyes.
Danny kisses the top of her head and says, "I'll be back in a little while to check on you."


"Goomorning Arabella. How's my gorgeous girl today?" Danny smiles and holds her tiny little hand.

"Hello Mr. Huston."
"Hi, doc.. Listen, we can't do it today. My wife had a really bad anxiety attack this morning, and they have her in the hospital until she's doing a little better. We can't unplug her until she's here."
"I understand."
Danny nods and asks, "How's she going?"
"Well, Mr. Huston, Arabella's Echocardiogram results came in and it shows that she does have a heart murmur. So what we're going to do is take her off the breast milk, and put her on an IV for fluids and nutrients. We're going to give her three rounds of medicine twelve hours apart, to hopefully get the valve to close. Once we've done that, we'll do another echo. If it's not clear after the first round, then we'll do another, and if it still is not clear, then we'll talk about the possibility of surgery."
"Oh God.." Danny sighs and runs his hand over his forehead then through his hair.
"I would advise not telling your wife in her condition."
"Yeah... Thank you."
"You're welcome.. I'm sorry." He touches Danny'a arm.
"Thanks..." He nods before the doctor walks off.

Danny takes a deep breath and bends down to where Arabella was.
"Oh Arabella... Two weeks old already breaking your daddy's heart."
Danny rubbed her hand and she grabbed his finger.
Danny's eyes watered and he suddenly burst into tears.
"You don't wanna leave.. I know you're hanging onto this earth. Just hang on a little longer, baby girl. It's all gonna be okay."


Jessica laid in the cold hospital room alone, and her mind started to wander.

If I would have just done my job and kept her in, none of this would have happened.
How are we going to get through this? How will I go on without her? I love her so much and I can't lose her.. It'll kill me.


Danny took a breather out in the hall.
He shut his eyes tight and leaned his forehead against the wall.

Dear God, please heal her beautiful little body, and give her strength to grow and get out of this place.
I just keep seeing the day we take her out of this hospital and finally bring her home. I swear, if you heal her and heal Jessica.. Ease her mind, let her blood pressure go back to normal, and her heart not hurt.. I know I'm the one that hurt it and that kills me... But if you heal her, I promise I will be a better man.. I plan to anyway, but I really really mean it! I want to be the husband Jessica deserves and the dad the kids deserve. A better son, brother, uncle... I just want a new start. Arabella has changed me.. I see life in a whole new way. That little girl saved me.. I want my family more than anything else in the world.. If I lose them.. There's no meaning for anything..."


Danny went to check on Jessica and she immediately jumped up, "How is she?!"
"No, no, no, calm down. Don't get excited.. She's fine."
"Danny, tell me the truth."
"I am! She's fine, baby."
"Yes. She looks so beautiful, Jess."
"She is very beautiful."
"Like her mommy." He smiles and runs his fingers on her cheek.
"Stop," She moves his hand away.
"You're beautiful."
"Danny." She looks at him.
"You are." He looks into her eyes then kisses her cheek.
Jessica moves her head and feels like he shouldn't just keep kissing her if they're not together.
Danny looks at her then sits beside her.
"Hey... I found this." He reaches in his pocket and pulls out her wedding ring.
Danny grabs her hand, looks into her eyes and says, "I love you so much.. and my love for you has increased these past couple of weeks. Jessica, I know I messed up, but I can't imagine life without you. When I came downstairs this morning and saw you like that.. It.. Well it put a thought in my head. A thought I never want to be here to see in reality. I can't lose us... I know you may hate me, but I know that you once loved me... And I know that we can get back to happiness one day. I promise you to never lay a hand on any other woman as long as I live. I was stupid, but I've learned my lesson. I've learned it in the most horrific way possible, but I did learn it. I'm not rambling for nothing.. I have something to ask you." Danny gets on one knee, holds the ring and asks, "Will you do my the honour and stay married to my dumb ass?" He asks making her chuckle.
Her eyes fill with tears and she wipes her cheek.
"Please, Jessica?" His eyes were sincere, and Jessica saw that.
"Will you promise to never ever hurt me again?"
"Will you promise to take care of me forever?"
"Will you promise to never question how much I chose to baby my kids? Because they mean the world to me and they will always be my babies."
"Of course, I was stupid to do that, and I apologise!"
"Will you promise... To love me forever?"
"Yes.. Yes.. Yes!"
She smiles and says, "Well then, Danny Huston.. I Will stay married to your dumb ass!" She chuckles.
Danny smiles and slips the ring on her finger.
"Thank you! Oh God, I love you so much!" He hugs her tight.
"I love you too, Danny. Don't you ever screw up again! I don't want to have to kill you."
He laughs and says, "I won't baby. I'm done being stupid."
"Good." She looks into his eyes.
Danny slowly leans in and they share a deep kiss.
It had been so long since they tasted each other, and it just felt right.
For the first time in weeks they were both happy... Even if it was only for a little while.

The nurses rush in and Jessica and Danny look at them, "What's wrong?" Jessica asks.
"Your heart monitor just went crazy, we were worried." Jessica looks at Danny and laughs.
"I make your heart go crazy?" He smiles.
"Yes you do! That's for sure." She smiles at him and giggles.

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