Why didn't I kiss him?

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"An accident? What do you mean? Is he okay?
... Is he alive?"

"We are sending a police to come and get you, ma'am. Just meet us at the hospital."

"Tell me! Is he alive?!" She raises her voice.

"Yes, but he's out of it. He's badly injured and we won't know how much damage is done to the brain until we run a cat scan."

"Oh my God."

Jessica hung up and cried.

"Mommy, are you okay?" Sofia asks.

"Yes, baby. Go play!"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine Sof, now go play, please!"

Sofia leaves her alone and Jessica calls her mother.


"Mom! I need you to come watch the kids! Danny's been in an accident and I need to get to the hospital."

"What?! Is he okay?"

"I don't know, there might be brain damage. I just need you to stay with them, please!"

"Of course, sweetie. I'm on my way!"

"Thank you."

"Sure. Call Sarah to meet you there, I don't want you going by yourself!"

"I will."

Jessica calls Sarah, and she rushes over to the hospital.

"Mommy, is it daddy? Is he hurt?"

"He's gonna be okay, Sof! You three be good for grandma."

"Please be carful, Jessie. Call me when you find out."

"I will. Thanks again."

As Jessica sits in the car, she thinks of what she last said to Danny.

He wanted a kiss. Why didn't I kiss him?
Oh God, please let him be okay. I can't lose him. I can't! I need him. We have five children together. I couldn't do it without him... I can't! God, why didn't you kiss him, Jessica?!

When Jessica gets to the hospital, she runs to the front desk and in a panic asks, "I need to see my husband!"

"What's his name, dear?"

"Daniel Huston.

Please let me see him. I need to see him!"

"Unfortunately we cannot let you back there, ma'am. The doctors working on him, please take a seat and he'll be out to see you shortly.

"Working on him? Like reviving him?"

"No. Your husband lost a lot of blood, so they're just trying to stabilize him."

"Is he gonna be okay?" She says with tears running down her face.

"The doctor will come to talk to you in a few minutes, ma'am."

Jessica breathed heavy as she walked to the waiting room.

"Ah.." She holds the sides of her stomach.

"Ugh, not now, boys."

What a fucking year. Almost divorcing Danny, having a baby early, Arabella in the hospital the first few months of her life, then a few scares once she was finally home. Me in the hospital after I had her.  Getting pregnant with twins, finding out Bella has asthma, Danny in this accident.. How much can we take? I want this year to be over!

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