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The Huston's are finally going back home.
Everyone was more than ready to be back in New Orleans. The kids missed their friends, and everyone missed their family.

"Mommy, I have to potty!"

"Okay Bella.. Go." Jessica chuckles.

"I just went though!" She whines.

"I'm sorry honey! Maybe it's because you can't seem to get enough water? You've had so much to drink, maybe you should slow down."

"I can't talk now, mommy! I have to pee!" Arabella quickly runs away.

Jessica chuckles.

"Alright, is everyone ready to head home?"

"Yes!" The Twins shout.

"I miss my room and my toys! Joshua says.

"I miss gramma Dottie!" Joseph says.

"Aw such a sweet boy!" Jessica chuckles.

"I'm ready, and I miss everything about home.. but I'm scared of the airplane." Coltan says.

"Aw.. well babe, you were strong on the way over. You can do it again, handsome!" Jessica smiles.

"Okay.. will you sit with me?"

"Of course!"

".. Will you hold my hand?"

"Absolutely!" Jessica smiles.

"Okay.. I'll protect you too, mommy."

"Oh my boy you are so sweet!" Jessica taps his nose making an adorable smile appear on his face.


On the plane Sofia and Jackson sat together, Danny sat with the twins, and Jessica sat with Arabella and Coltan.

"Bella Boo, you feel okay?" Jessica asks.  Arabella clearly didn't feel well.

"No." She nods. "My tummy hurts."

"Do you have to go to the restroom?"

"I have to pee."

"Again? Bella, what's up with your bladder?"

"Mommyyy!" She whines.

"Okay, I'm coming."

"What about me?!" Coltan panics.

"Will you sit with Sof and Jax for just a minute?"

"Yes ma'am.."

"Okay.  I won't be long, baby."

"Okay, mommy.."


Jessica had to get up multiple times during the plane ride home. Jessica started to become more and more concerned about her daughter.

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