Is he mine?

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Trisha didn't answer him.  She just stared at him with tears in her eyes.

"Trisha.  Is He Mine?"

Her lips quiver and she nods her head.

"Yes.  I'm sorry Danny.. He's yours."

In that moment Danny's world fell apart.  He and Jessica had made so much progress and now this.  He didn't know how she would take it.  Obviously not well.

"But.. You said you weren't."

"Danny, after what your wife went through with your daughter.. I couldn't let her worry about that.  I had no choice.  I never wanted you to know.  I moved to Texas right after.  I moved in with my aunt.  I'm here visiting family."

"I just.. This can't be happening.  This wasn't supposed to happen."

"It's not his fault!  This is something you and I did that was wrong.. But out of a situation that hurt so many people.. I got him.. and he is my world.  We don't need you, Danny."

"Toys daddy!  Toys!  Don't forgot about da toys!" Joseph shouts.

Danny looks down at them and shakes his head.

"I have to go.. I um.. I'll call you so we can talk."

"Danny, it's fine. We really don't need to do that.  You just go back to your family and pretend you never even saw us."

"I can't do that.  I couldn't live with myself."

At this point Danny had still yet to look the little boy in his eyes.

"How long will you be here?"

"Till the twenty third."


Danny looks down at the boys then closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.


"Bye bye!" The little boy smiles and waves.

Danny pauses and looks down to the boy.

He did look like Danny.  This was the strangest feeling.  This was his child.. He immediately felt some type of connection with him, but this little boy wasn't Jessica's, and that hurt him more than anything.

Danny softly smiled and lifted his hand to wave.  He then cleared his throat and walked away.


Jessica arrived home before Danny.  Arabella was still out so she was catching up on some cleaning.

"Hi baby!  How was shopping with the boys?"

"Good.. They're sleeping now."

"Awe!  Look at my precious little boys!" Jessica smiles as Danny walks in and lays both boys down on the couch.

"So uh... How was lunch?"

"Great!  Arabella tired herself out though." She chuckles and looks over to Arabella sleeping on the couch.

"Heh.." Danny chuckled and looked down.  Something was obviously bothering him.

"Is something wrong, honey?"

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