She doesn't understand

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Once Jessica got back to the car Danny could tell Jessica was upset.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." Jessica didn't even look at him. She was so mad.

Danny could tell she wasn't telling the truth but decided on waiting to till they got home to see what was really bothering her.

"Mama lunch!"

"Bella, grandma fed you."

"Well.. snack, mama!"

"Heh, okay one second."

Jessica sighs.
"This girl stays hungry!  You boys want anything?"

"No thank you!"

"How about you, daddy?"

"No baby, I'm okay.  Thanks."

Jessica went into the kitchen to get a snack for Arabella.

"You want some goldfish?"


"Some fruit?"


"Well what do you want?"

"A ham and cheese sandwich."

"A ham and cheese sandwich?" Jessica laughs.

"You just ate!"

"And I'm hungry again!" Arabella lifts her hands.

"Alright miss sassy pants!"

"I not sassy pants!" Arabella places her hands on her hips.

"You're full of attitude, Bella Boo!" Jessica giggles.

After making her sandwich Jessica starts a load of laundry, then begins to make dinner.

"Okay honey, I have to pick up the kids.  The food should be okay on the stove until I get back.  Could you just help me out and fold these towels, please?"


"Thank you!
I'll be right back.  Kids, be good!"


After returning home Jessica finishes up with dinner while the kids wash up.

Danny noticed Jessica still seemed upset.  She's been going constantly so he hasn't had a chance to speak with her.

After dinner Jessica asked the kids to go up to their rooms and start on homework.
She washed the dishes and put them away.
Not only was Jessica exhausted from constantly running, but the conversation between her and her mother was still on her mind.

"You four watch some cartoons and don't fight, okay?"


"We'll start baths in just a second, just give mommy a few minutes, alright?"

The kids are glued too the tv so they don't respond.

Jessica walks into the downstairs bedroom she and Danny have been staying in since his accident.
She sat down on the bed and finally broke.
Danny wheeled himself to the room and slowly opened the door.

Jessica didn't hear him and kept crying as quietly as she could.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

Jessica jumps and lightly gasps.
"Oh!  Danny!  Baby, do you need something?" Jessica quickly wipes her tears.

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