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The Huston's House.

"Grandma, when's Bella coming home? We miss her.." Joseph says.

"I know you do. I miss her too! But she'll be home soon!"

"I think she has Covid like mommy." Joshua says.

"She doesn't not have Covid!" Zoey said. "Now let's get back to logging onto this thing. You've already missed half a day of school. I just don't understand this Zoom thing!"

"I'm so bored of school!" Jospeh groans.

Meanwhile, Sofia and Jackson are doing their work upstairs in the bedroom.

Sofia's teacher was having issues with her connection so she went in to check on Coltan.

"Hey buddy." She walked in expecting to see him working, but instead sees him silently crying and rocking back and forth.

"Coltan, what's wrong?" Sofia hurries over.

Coltan couldn't speak. He let his sobs out and they were uncontrollable.

"It's okay. It's okay.." Sofia held him and gently rocked him.

"Sweetie, it's okay."

"No.. it's.. NOT!" Coltan struggled to speak.

"Coltan.. I know things seem bad right now but, it will get better.  I promise you."

"Mommy's gonna die.  Bella's gonna die.  Everyone is dying!"

"No one is dying!"

"I wanna die!  If mommy isn't here I don't want to be either!  I want to go with her!"

"Coltan, don't say that!" Sofia holds him tighter. "She's not going to die!"

"I miss you her so much!" He sobs.

"So do I.. but Coltan, don't give up on her yet.  She's at the hospital for a reason.  They're helping her!"

"Momma is so sick though!"

"I know.. but our mommy is so strong.  She can get through anything."

Coltan held his sister and bawled his eyes out.


Danny's POV.

"Why do I have to wear all these cords?"

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"Why do I have to wear all these cords?"

"Because they have to monitor your brain."

Arabella sighs. "Because I shake a lot?"

"Yes.  They just want to see why you're getting the shakes."

"Will they have to do surgery and shave my beautiful hair?"

"No.  No one is touching your beautiful hair."

"Good!  Because I've got some beautiful long hair!"

"You have daddy's hair."

"Um no." Arabella gives him a look just like her mother. "Your hair is turning gray.  It's not beautiful like mine."

Danny laughs. "Well you seem to be feeling fine, huh?  My hair is kinda gray now, isn't it?"


"That's because I have so many kids."

"You're blaming us?!"

"You and your momma!"

"What?!" Arabella laughs. "Okay daddy!  Blame us for your bad hair problems.  You're silly!"

Danny laughed.  He was so happy to see her up and talking like her normal self.


The next morning.


"Hello, may I speak with Mr. Huston."


"This is Doctor Findley."

"Oh yes!  How is Jessica?"

"Jessica is doing very well.  She's breathing on her own.  She did need some oxygen during the night, but other than that she seems to be doing well.  We've tested her again and it came back negative.  So now we just get her feeling better and she can go home."

"Oh my gosh." Danny instantly started crying. "Thank you so much for everything you've done for her.  I cannot thank you enough!"

Danny got off the phone and took a deep breath.  Finally his precious Jessica is doing better and is now one step closer to being in his arms.

Danny walked down the hall to return to his daughter.  When he turned the corner he saw nurses rushing into Arabella's room.
His bright smile quickly disappeared.

Why can't happiness last in this family?

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