Take care of her

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The next morning, Danny went to grab some coffee while Jessica slept, then went to the nursery to check in on the boys.

He smiled when he saw them sleeping peacefully.

A young man that was standing there just starting there the babies, came up beside him and softly said, "Which ones yours?"

"Those two boys in the front." Danny points and smiles.

"Oh.. They're cute."

"Thank you. Which ones yours?"

The man looks down and doesn't say a word.

Danny looks at him confused.

"My wife.. She um.. She and my baby... Died during childbirth."

"Oh my goodness!" Danny's eyes widen.

"Man, I am so so sorry!"

"Thanks..." The man squints then rubs his eyes.

"Well nice meeting you." The man shakes Danny's hand and looks into his eyes.

"Take care of them.

Take care of her.

Never let a day go by without telling your wife how beautiful she is and how much you love her."

Danny nods his head and the mans eyes fill with tears.

He leaves and Danny stands there alone.

"Oh my gosh, that poor man..

I don't what I'd do if I lost her."

Danny walks back to the room and Jessica was just waking up.

"Hi baby." He smiles.

"Hi!" She stretches and smiles at him.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Okay.  How are you?  How's your back?"

"It doesn't matter how I'm doing.  You're the only one that matters." He sits his coffee down and stands beside her, grabbing her hand.

"No, tell me!"

"It hurts, but it's okay!"

"Did you take your medicine?"

"It's at home."


"Well I just thought we were going to the zoo, I didn't know you'd go into labor!" He laughs.

"Heh! Well, call my mom to go pick it up."

"No, I'm fine."

"Danny." She tilts her head.

"Really, Jess."

"Okay!" She raises her eyebrows then looks down.

He smiles and just stares at her.

She feels his eyes on her, and doesn't like it.

"Please stop."

"What?" He laughs.

"Why are you looking at me?" She looks to him and chuckles.

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