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"Mommy, I know daddy has to work, but I'm sad that he's gonna miss my birthday.."

"I know, baby.  Daddy feels bad.. He wants to be here, but-"

"I know.. He has to work." Sofia looks down.

"Awe baby, he wants to be here, you know that!"

"What if he doesn't?"

"Sofia, of course he does!  Why would you say that?"

"He came back for your birthday."

Jessica sighs and rubs her back.
"Why don't you call daddy and tell him how you feel?"

"No, he'll think that I think he doesn't love me."

"Well sweetie, I want you to know that daddy loves you more than anything.  You're his biggest little baby... The reason he's working is for all of us."

"Okay.. I understand."

"Don't be sad.  You're too cute for that pout.
Besides, you're almost nine!  Nine year olds don't pout." She holds her chin in her hand and smiles.

Sofia gives her a small smile.

"Oh there's that pretty smile!" Jessica kisses her cheek.


Sofia's ninth birthday.

"My goodness, mommy is going crazy! Come on Bella Boo, you need to take your inhaler, sweet girl."

Arabella starts to fuss and hits Jessica hands away.

"Bella, please! Your sister is going to be down any minute, and the boys have already given me a hard time this morning."

"Mommy, the eggs are burning!" Jackson shouts.

"Shit!" She puts Arabella on her hip and runs to the stove.

"Hey, you swore!" Jackson points.

"I'm sorry! Ugh, how did I do that?!"

The twins suddenly start crying in the playpen.

"Oh gosh.. *Sighs* Okay. Breathe. You can do this." Jessica takes a deep breath.

"They're fighting, momma." Jackson says staring at them.

"Boys, stop!" Jessica walks over to them.

The boys have gotten into the habit of sticking their nails in each other's cheeks and screaming bloody murder.

"What is that? That is not how we behave!"

They push each other in the face so Jessica bends over and takes Joshua out of the play pen.

"You boys are a mess! Here, Jackson, will you sit and play with Josh, please?"

"Sure, mommy!"

"Thank you, baby."

"Now.. What was I doing? Oh Bella!
You need to take your medicine."



"Nuhhh!!" She pushes her away.

"Arabella, you know you need this, why are you acting like this today?"

"Hi!" Sofia walks down with a smile.

"Oh! Oh, happy birthday, baby!" Jessica walks to her and gives her a hug and kiss.

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