That was difficult

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"Thank you?  Aw baby, for what?"

".. Ev.. Everything.." He smiles.

Jessica smiles at him and a single tear falls down her cheek.

Danny slowly lifted his hand and wiped her tear with his thumb.

She smiles and he says, "Don't cry... I'm okay."

"Good.  Don't ever leave me!" She grabs his hand.

"I.. I won't... I.. Love.. You."

"I love you too, Danny!" 

Jessica bends down and gives him a kiss.

"I finally got my kiss.." He smiles and Jessica chuckles.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be."

He opens his eyes a little wider and looks at the kids, "The whole group's here!"

"Yeah, they wanted to come see you, daddy!" Jessica smiles.

"Thanks guys..."

"Are you better now, daddy?"

"I'm great, Jax." Danny smiles.

"I love you, daddy!" Sofia smiles.

"I love you more, Princess."

Arabella turns to him and scrunches her nose as she smiles and breathes heavier like she's faking a laugh.

"Hi!" Danny taps her nose.

"Say hi to daddy!" Jessica rubs her back.

"..Da..Da!" Arabella bounces up and down, while attempting to wave.

Everyone's eyes shot wide open.

"Oh my gosh, she just said Dada!" Jessica says with tears in her eyes.

"Good job, Bella!" Danny lifts his hand for a high five.

Arabella grabs his hand, then starts sucking in his fingers.

"Nuh-uh, out of the mouth!" Jessica puts her hand on Arabella's lips.

The baby turns to Jessica and just looks at her with a blank face.

Danny laughs and Jessica says, "I'm sorry!  You can keep talking to your daddy just don't eat him!"

They sit and talk for a while, and Danny starts sounding more and more like himself.

"Your voice sounds better, daddy!" Sofia smiles.

"Does it?"

"Yeah, it does." Jessica agrees.

"Well good.

Hey Jessie, I was out, but I could hear everything that was going on."

"You could?"

"Yeah.  I heard everything you said and.. Well, thank you.. Thank you so so much!"

"Aw Danny." She smiles.

"I love you so much, baby."

"I love you too!" She kisses him.

"So how are you feeling?"


"What about those contractions you kept having?"

"Are the babies coming?!" Sofia smiles.

"Not yet.  Those weren't labor pains, Danny."

"Are you sure?"

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