Operation get these babies out

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The next day.

"You guys be good for grandma, okay?  We'll be right back as soon as we get out of the doctors office."

"Can't I come?" Sofia pouts.

"Aw, I'm sorry!  But we won't be long, princess." Jessica smiles and kisses her cheek.

"Sofia, you wanna help grandma make lunch?" Danny's mom asks.

"Yes!!" Her eyes light up.

"Oh Zoey, you're so sweet!  What are you making?" Jessica smiles big.

"How does my homemade lasagna sound?"

"Really good!!"

"Haha!  Perfect!  My daughter in law is working hard carrying my little grandson's around; she deserves a delicious home cooked meal!" Zoey holds the sides of her stomach and kisses the center of it.

"You're so sweet!" Jessica giggles.

"What about your crippled son?" Danny asks.

"Oh boo hoo hoo, Danny!" Jessica says, making Zoey laugh.

"I'm of course making it for you two, baby!" She kisses his cheek.

"Thanks mom." He says with a funny smile.

"Hah!  Alright, well we have to go.  Everyone pray for good news!" Jessica says.


While waiting for the doctor, Jessica and Danny were kept entertained by the boys moving around.

"What the hell is that?"

"Ow!  I think it's Joseph's foot!" Jessica says lightly touching it.

"Oh my gosh."

"I know!  I mean, look at that!  How have they not broken my water yet?"

"It's crazy.. Do you think you're dilated any?"

"I hope!" She says as the doctor walks in.

"Hello, Jessica!  How are you feeling?"

"Done." She gives him a look while laying back, with her belly sticking out.

"Heh!  I bet!  Well, hopefully I can give you some good news."


Jessica lifts her shirt, and he measures her stomach.

Danny looks at her big round belly and smiles at her.

She smirks, and rolls her eyes as she pushes his face away.

"Any contractions, Ms. Huston?"

"Well I was having a lot, but that was when my husband had his car accident.. Since then, I've had some, but nothing to get excited over."

"Oh okay, well go ahead and lie down, and we'll see if you're dilated any."

Jessica does what he says and Danny peeks over his shoulder.

He starts making faces, trying to make Jessica laugh.

She holds her laughter in and mouths for him to stop, but that only made him do it more.

"Danny, stop!" She says out loud.

"Sorry!" He chuckles as the doctor looks at him.

Danny goes over to sit by Jessica and pats her on the arm.

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