We can fix this

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After they wrapped up for the day Jessica went to her trailer to change while Danny did the same.

He offered to drive her again, but she declined.

When they arrived at the restaurant Jessica slammed her sunglasses on the table and said, "Here's the deal, you can have the house, I don't want it. I can't stand even being in there just knowing about all that went on inside of it.
I won't keep you from your kids, but you must treat them right and take advantage of the time you get to spend with them. I'm still having this baby obviously.. When the baby's born you are allowed to see him or her, but cannot take them until I say it's okay.. And that will be many many months. I'm it's mother and they need to be with me overnight, every night, got it?"
Danny nods his head in response and she says, "I don't forgive you for what you did and I probably never will. You hurt me.. Lied to be and betrayed me like I never thought you were capable of. We work together, but that is all we do together. If it's not regarding the kids, then you do not text or call me. You and I are over and there's nothing you can do or say to make me change my mind about it."
"I can't lose you."
"Danny.. Don't. Because if you cared two shits about me, you would not have done what you did."
His eyes well up with tears and he says, "I'm sorry for what I did, I could just kill myself for it. Baby, I promise you that I will never do it again!"
"If this is all you're gonna do them I'm gonna leave. I've said my peace and I'm done. I need to go pick up the kids." She grabs her things and leaves.
Danny chases after her and pulls her to the side of the restaurant.
"Jessica please give me another chance, I can't lose what we have.. I love you.. I love you so much.. And I know you love me too.." He cries and grabs her hands.
"Danny, I can't love you." She grinds her teeth.
"Yes you can. We can fix this, baby! Please! I can't live without you! Without seeing you and talking to you everyday.. Without being able to touch you.. And to kiss you..." He says bring his body closer to hers as she looks down at the ground.
He brings her hand up to his face and kisses the back of it.
"I cant' Danny.." She says in a low voice as a tear falls down her cheek.
Danny wipes it with his thumb then holds her chin and brings her face up.
They look each other in the eyes and he slowly leans in to kiss her softly.
Jessica kisses him back and wraps her arms around his neck.
The kiss doesn't last long before Jessica pushes him away and says, "Danny, I can't!"
Jessica storms off leaving Danny outside of the restaurant by himself.

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