It's gonna be different

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Jessica held Jackson until he fell asleep.
Once he was really out, Jessica went out to the hall to call her mom since she hasn't had the time to tell her.

After she hangs up she put her phone in her pocket and rubbed her hands on her face, then through her hair.
She walked down the hallway and heard a newborn baby crying down the hallway.
Her eyes filled with tears when she heard that little cry.
That was the same hospital she had her babies in, the same hospital she was in when she had an accident a few years before she had kids, and the same hospital she was going to have her baby in, in a few months.

As she walked past the maternity ward, memories of bringing her kids into the world started flooding back.


May 2007...

"Danny!  We have to go to the hospital, my water just broke!"
Jessica was six days past her due date, and had just taken a long relaxing bath.

"What?!" Danny hopped up from the bed.
"My water just broke!  We have to get to the hospital before my contractions become stronger and closer together."
"Oh my God!  Let me grab the bags!  Are you okay?!  Do you need anything?!"
"No, I'm fine."
Danny practically jumped over the bed and grabbed their bags for the hospital.
"Danny, be careful!"
"I have to hurry, I've gotta get you to the hospital!" When he looks over at Jessica she was holding her little belly in her hands, with a worried look in her eyes.
"Oh baby, come here!" Danny hurries over to her and wraps his arms around her for comfort.
"Everything's gonna be okay.  We're having a baby, Jess!  We're gonna meet our little girl!" He smiles down at her and puts his hand in her belly.
"Yeah!" She smiles back.
Suddenly Jessica gets a contraction.
"Ah!  Ow!" Jessica breathes and puts one hand on her bump.
"Oh!  You're okay, you're okay!  Just breathe.. Breathe... Good girl!" Danny smiles and holds her for support.
Once the pain passes she takes a deep breath and says, "Let's go meet our girl!"
"Let's go, baby!" He smiles and kisses her lips.


After twenty seven hours of painful labor, Jessica was ready to bring her baby girl into the world.
"Danny... I don't know if I can do it!  It hurts and I'm so tired." She cries.
"Yes you can Jessica!  I know you can." He grabs her hand and looks her in the eyes.
"I love you."
"I love you too." She says as he kisses her forehead.
"Now push so we can finally meet our baby girl." He grabs her hand and kisses it.

Jessica pushed for forty five minutes before her baby started to finally show her head.

"Ahh! It burns!"
"Just push pass the pain Jessie, you can do this baby girl. You're doing so well and I am so so proud of you!"
Jessica tries to smile through the pain, then squeezes his hand and pulls her legs back ready to push.


"WAAAAHH! WAAAHH! WAAAHH!" They hear after an hour of pushing.
"Oh my God.. Oh my God.. Oh my God, she's here." Jessica looks down at her little girl on her chest.
"She's so precious! Look at her, Danny!"
"She's beautiful, Jess."
Danny puts his arm around her and holds her shoulder.
"I love you so much. I can't believe that just happened!" He says kissing the top of her head repeatedly.
"I love you too." She looks up and smiles at him before they share a deep kiss.


November 2010

Sofia was three years old when Danny and Jessica decided to have another baby.
It took a lot of convincing Jessica to try for another one since she had such a hard time having Sofia.  But she really did want another baby, and she knew it would be worth it in the end.

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