Everything's falling apart

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After Danny left Jessica bawled downstairs by herself.

"Jessica? Jess, what's wrong?!" Sarah runs downstairs.
Jessica doesn't say a word, she just keeps crying.
"What happened?  Are you okay?"
"What?  What happened?"
"She's pregnant!"
"Danny's mistress."
"Yeah, Sarah things were finally starting to feel good again.  How do I take him back when he got some girl pregnant?  I have more respect for myself than that!"
"I know.  Oh my gosh, Jess.. I am so sorry." She rubs her back.
Jessica quickly stands up and snaps at her, "I don't need your pity!  That's all I ever hear, and I've had it!  So stop it!"
"Jess, I was just trying to comfort you.  You really shouldn't be getting this upset, you're gonna hurt the baby."
"I know how to take care of myself, I'm a big girl.  Don't you think I know what's right and wrong for my baby?!"
"Jessica, please calm down."
"Jess, you can be mad at me all you want, but you need to calm yourself!  Think of your daughter!  Do you want to hurt her?!"
"Then calm down!"
Jessica cries and sits back on the couch.
"I'm sorry, Sarah.. I'm not upset with you, it's just-"
"Shh.. Stop.  Don't worry... I know." She looks at her with sad eyes.
Jessica's lips quiver and Sarah gives her a tight hug.
"Oh Jess.." She rubs her back.
"Thank you for being here for me, Sarah."
"I'll always be here for you, Jessica."

That night Jessica came across their wedding picture.
"I'm so stupid for falling in love with him. 
Don't do it!  He'll just hurt you and humiliate you in front you the entire world!" She yells at herself in the picture.
Jessica rips the photo in half and throws it to the side.

A few hours later Jessica finally fell asleep.
Sofia had had a bad dream, and was scared to sleep alone.
On her way to the bed, she stepped on something.
Sofia picked it up and saw that it was a picture of Danny and Jessica on their wedding day.

She climbed up onto the bed and shook Jessica lightly, but she didn't budge, so she shook her harder.
"What baby?" Jessica woke up in a gasp.
"Why did you do this?  Are you mad at Daddy again?" She asks sadly.
"No, it just..."
"Mom... Why can't you be happy like my friends moms and dads?"
"We are, baby.  That just.. I don't know what happened, it must have gotten caught on something." She says before looking at the clock.
"It's 2:30, what are you doing up?"
"I had a bad dream.  Can I sleep with you?"
"Of course you can." She smiles and moves the comforter so she could get under it.
Jessica watched as Sofia held onto the picture the entire night.
She held her close to her and let tears pour down her face.


A few days have passed and Jessica has been ignoring Danny's calls.
"Mommy can we do something fun today?  We've just been at home." Jackson asks.
"Well that's because we're moving next week, and we need to finish packing."
"Can daddy take us somewhere?"
"No." Jessica says sharply.
"Why not?"
"Because I said so."
"But nothing!  We're staying home, and that's that!"
"Hey kids, why don't we play games and watch movies all day, and let your mom get some rest?" Sarah cut in.
"Oh can we, aunt Sarah?!" Sofia gets excited.
"Yeah!  It'll be fun."

Jessica laid in bed with her hands on her belly.
Just please let my baby be okay.  Let her stay inside of me as long as possible and have her come out chubby and healthy.

*Jessica's phone rings*

She sees that it's Danny and she sighs.

"I guess I'll answer it."


"Jessica!  Oh my gosh.  Thank you for answering me, I've been worried sick!"

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you."

"Then talk."

"Can I come over?"

"Just talk, Danny.  I'm busy."

"Oh.. Okay.  Well, Jessica, I want you to know that I want nothing to do with her or the baby.  Nothing will come between me and my family.  You know I mean that, Jess."

"Danny, how are you not gonna be apart of that baby's life?  It's not their fault.  They didn't ask to be born."

"Oh Jessica, you have such a good heart.  But baby, I can't.  That was a mistake and I can't.. I Won't have anything to do with it."

"You're not gonna take responsibility for what you did?"

"No!  Jess, she was only with me for who I am.  She's a young girl that's broke and disgusting, I have no pity for her."

"Oh you pompous ass."

"Jessica, I'm doing this for us.

"No Danny.. You're doing it for you..."

"Jess wait!"

"Goodbye, Danny." She hangs up her phone.


25 weeks and 5 days pregnant.
Moving Day.

"Jessica!  Put that down!  You're not supposed to be carrying anything!" Sarah hits her arm.
"Yeah Jess, that's why we're here!" Her brother George says.
"But I feel bad!"
"Well don't!  You're pregnant and we're gonna take care of our girl." Her mother kisses her cheek.
"Well I could at least do Something."
"You can go inside and put your feet up." Her dad says.
Jessica chuckles and says, "Alright!  But call me if you need anythin-"
"We've got it!" They all say simultaneously.
Jessica jumps a bit from the loudness and laughs.


Jessica drifted off to sleep and was suddenly woken by a sharp stabbing pain in her lower abdomen.
"Ah!  Ow!" She grabs her stomach.
She breathed through it, then tried to relax again, but five minutes later the pain came back.
"What is going on?!  This hurts.." She rubs the bottom part of her stomach.
She kept quiet, but when the pain came every five minutes for an hour straight, she knew something was not right.

She slowly got up and walked outside where everyone had just gone.
"Sweetie, we still don't need your help!  Now get inside and rest!" Dorothy said.
"No, somethings wrong.  I need you to take me to the hospital." She says with a worried expression on her face.
"What?!" They all panic.
"What's wrong, are you hurting?" Dorothy puts her hand on her back.
"I've been getting a stabbing pain in my lower stomach every five minutes for an hour.  I've had kids before, and I know this isn't braxton hicks.  Somethings wrong."
"Oh my God, we have to get you to the hospital!  Al, start the car!" Dorothy yells.

On the way Jessica's pains continued.
"I don't understand why this is happening!  Everything in my life is just falling apart!  I can't lose her, mom, I can't!" She cries.
"Sweetie, you're not going to lose her!  Just stay positive.  She has you for a mommy, and you are the strongest woman I know.  Your little girl is gonna be just fine." She looks her in the eyes.

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