That's the smile

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"Sofia honey, don't cry.  It's not real.  I'm okay!" Jessica chuckles as she softly strokes her hair.

"It wasn't that good." Arabella says. 
There was a monitor backstage so the kids were able to watch.

Jessica turns to her and Arabella smirks.

"The twins even fell asleep, I just be playing by myself up here!"

"You didn't like it?"


"Well thanks!" Jessica chuckles.

"Sof, don't cry, sweet girl."

Sofia looked into Jessica's eyes and held her cheeks in her hands.
Tears were still falling down her face.

"I love you so much, momma."

"I love you more, baby girl."

Jessica hugs her tight as Jackson walks over and places his hand on her back. 

"That was really good, momma.  You're good!" He smiles.

"Thank you, my boy!" Jessica gives him a big hug.


A week later.

The kids were at Danny's for the weekend so Jessica called Sam and asked if he wanted to come over.  He of course accepted.  Jessica cleaned up the house and cooked the two of them a delicious meal.

"Okay, the food is almost ready.. My house still looks a wreck but whatever!" Jessica mumbles to herself before letting out an exhausted sigh.

"Why am I nervous?  This is Sam.  You're okay, Jessica.  You're fine!"

*Doorbell rings*

"Ah!" Jessica jumps and grabs her chest as her eyes shoot to the front door.

She walks over to the front of the house and takes a deep breath before opening the door.

"Hey!" She smiles. 

"Hey!  You look beautiful." Sam smiles and kisses her cheek.

"Thank you!  Come on in."

"I brought some wine."

"Mmm!  Thanks!"

"Dinner is just about ready." She smiles softly.

"Great!  It smells good in here!"

"Thank you.  Oh and excuse the mess!  I cleaned up but.. well I have three toddlers so..."

"Heh!  It's fine!  You have a nice place."


Jessica went to the stove quickly and Sam snuck up behind her.  He placed his hands around her waist and kissed her neck.

"Mm.. You smell so good."

Jessica giggles and moves her head.

"Stop it, that tickles!"

He chuckles and pats her butt before sitting down.
Jessica could feel his eyes staring her body down.

"You're a mess, Samuel Shepard."


"Oh gosh.. Jess, that was so good!"

"Really?  I'm glad you liked it!  Ready for dessert?"

"Mmm.. Yes I am." Sam smirks.

"Calm down, big boy!  I made a cake!"

"Well we can use that!"

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