They're cute!

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November 16th.

Jessica was having some pain, so she went in to see her doctor.

"I can't believe I'm gonna see the babies!" Sofia smiles big.

Jessica smiles and Sofia asks, "Mommy?  Can I be with you when you have the babies?"

"You wanna be in the room?"

"Mhm!" She nods.



"Yeah, you're older now, I think you can take it." Jessica chuckles.


"Jess, are you sure?  She won't be scared?" Danny asks.

"Well it'll be good for her to see how she was brought into the world.  Yeah, it's scary, but she'll be okay."

"I'm so excited!  Can they come out now?"

"Hah!  We'll see what the doctor says, baby."


"Oh my gosh, look at his cute little face!  and that ones cute little foot by this ones face!" Sofia watches the screen with a big smile.

"They're cute, aren't they?" Danny chuckles.

"Yes! Look at the cubby chubby cheeks!"

"I know, I can't wait to squeeze them!" Jessica smiles.

"Can I move the scanner thing?  Please Mr. Doctor!"


"Sure, Sofia.  Just hold it on your mom's belly, and move it around slowly."


Look mommy, in doing it!" She says with excitement in her eyes.

"Haha!  Good baby!  You're like a little Doctor!"


"Daddy, look at him moving!  Can you feel that, mommy?"

"I can!" She giggles.

"That's so cool!"

"Sof, look at his lips." Danny says.

"Awe, he's pouting!  Is he sad?"

"He's probably just sleepy." Jessica chuckles.

"Wait, look!  He's starting to smile!  Oh you're so cute!  Mommy, which ones that?"

"That's Joshua."

"You're so cute, Joshua!  Yes you are!  Yes you are!"

Jessica smiles at Danny as Sofia continues talking to them.

"Now let's see Joseph!"

The doctor help Sofia find the other baby, and they all start cracking up.

"He's sucking his toesies!" Sofia says in a high pitched voice.

"Haha!  Look at him!  Just a little afternoon snack!  Is that good, Joseph?" Jessica says in a cute way.

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