I'm not giving up on her

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"Danny, wake up . I'm ready." Jessica shakes him.
Danny gasps and his eyes shoot open.
"Wha-what what is it?"
"What time did you get up?"
"Damn. Okay, give me a second to wake up, and I'll get ready."
"Okay, I called Jasmine and she's on her way."
"Alright. You good?" He asks because Jessica didn't seem okay.
"I'm fine."

On the way to the hospital Jessica says, "Thank you for staying with me last night."
"No problem.  Thanks for asking me to stay."
".. It's just.. I don't wanna be alone right now... I can't be."
"I'll stay as long as you want me to."

For the next five days they did they same routine.
The doctor was coming in to talk to them about Arabella's progress.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Huston." He shakes their hands.
"Hello.  How is she?" Jessica asks.
"Well she's still on the breathing machine, her lungs aren't developed enough for us to take her off, and she isn't gaining weight.  So pretty soon you'll have to make a decision."
"What do you mean?"
"Well.. Do you want her hooked up to all these machines with a tube down her throat, or do you want to take her off and just enjoy the time she's here with you?"
"What?" She says in a whisper as her heart breaks.
"I'm not trying to be harsh, but I'm just telling you the truth.  Your baby hasn't made any progress, and you have to think of her and not yourselves."
"Are you calling us selfish?"
"No ma'am, that's not what I'm saying at all."
"Really?  Because it sounds like you are.  I am not selfish!  I have millions of dollars, and I will spend every penny of it on saving this little girl.  You get me the best damn doctor you know, and then find me one that's even better than him!  I will Not give up on her." Jessica stands up and her voice becomes hard and stern.

When the doctor leaves Danny says, "You're amazing!" He smiles.
"I'm not gonna give up on her.  My baby Will Not Die." She clenches her jaw and quickly wipes a tear that falls.


Danny went for a walk to get out for a bit and to check his phone, since it didn't work in the hospital.

*16 missed calls from Trisha*

"What does she want?" He sighs.

Danny contemplated on whether or not he should call her, and he figured it would be best if he did.

"Danny!  Why didn't you answer me?!"

"I told you not to call me."

"Danny, why do you have to be like this?  I know I'm not your wife, but what we had was special."

"What we had was sex and nothing more."

"Yeah?  Well it turned into something a lot more than just sex.  I'm pregnant, Danny!  Do you not care at all?  I thought you loved me."

"I didn't it was a mistake.  It's something I will regret until the day I die!" He says as a sob escapes his mouth.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because I hurt her!  I hurt the most amazing woman in the world!  I didn't realize how great I had it.  I was so stupid!  And I hurt an innocent little baby, who didn't even do anything!  A baby she wanted more than anything in the world!... A baby that.. That has no chance in this big world... A baby that I killed." He cries.

"What are you talking about?"

"I told Jessica that you were pregnant and she was already stressed enough.. The baby wasn't developing properly and.. She had her early.  Now she's in the NICU and the doctor wants us to unplug her.  Jessica won't let that happen though.  But it's my fault, it's all my fault!  I love her and I shouldn't have cheated on her.  If I wouldn't have done it, then she'd still be pregnant.. Or if I would have just left when I was unhappy, then she wouldn't have ever gotten pregnant, and wouldn't have to deal with the loss of a child!   I'm sorry to you too.. But I can't be with you or this baby."

"Danny, I-I didn't know.. I'm so sorry."


"I'll leave you alone.. But there's something I have to do, and you can't stop me."


"I want to apologize to Jessica.  I'm just as at fault as you are, and I don't want that on me.  All things aside, this is a baby we're talking about, and I can't help but feel responsible for Jessica stressing and delivering prematurely."

"Trish, not now.  She's not in the right mindset, and it's just not the time."

"Well I wanna talk to her."

"Okay, but just wait!  I'll.. I'll see.."


"And they all lived happily ever after!" Jessica reads, then sits the book down.
"Did you like that story, Arabella?"

Danny snuck in behind her, and listened to her talking to the baby.

"You're such a strong girl!  Yeah... You need to gain some weight so they can see how strong you are!  Can you do that?  I think you can, I think you can!" She baby talks with a smile.
"Momma wants to be able to hold you, so you need to show them!  Don't you want momma to hold you?  It's been a whole week since you've come into this world.. You've definitely made it a whole lot brighter, too!  Yes you have, beautiful girl." She smiles and softly rubs her arm.

Danny takes a deep breathe, and walks over to her.
"Jess, let's go get something to eat, and swing by to see the kids for a bit."
"I'm not leaving her."
"Jess, you have to eat."
"Bring me something and I'll eat outside really quick."
"Jessica, I know you mean well, but you have to take care of yourself.  You may get upset with me, but that's a chance I'm willing to take.  You're too thin, Jessica.  You're barley eating, you're barley sleeping, and you barley even see the other two kids.  You need a break."
"They'll understand one day.  They know I love them.. But I can't be there with them right now.  If you want to go, then go, I'm not stopping you."

Danny clenched his jaw and swallowed hard.
"Okay.. I'm just worried about you."


Hey!  I honestly love how much you all love this story.  It's so much fun to write, so I'm so excited that you guys like it.
I know where I'm going next, but I want to know what you all think is going to happen. :)

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