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"Jessica wait!" Danny stands up but Jessica doesn't stop.

She walks into their bedroom and Danny follows her.

"Jessica, please talk to me."

"No Danny, you've made it perfectly clear.. You don't want to be around me anymore, I get it.. Just go!" Jessica's voice becomes deep and shaky.

"No that's not what I mean!  I just-"

"I don't need to hear any explanations, Daniel.  Please just leave me alone right now."

"Jessica we need to talk about this!"

"I just don't know why you want to leave.  I mean, fine you don't want to be around me, but what about your children?"

"Jessica that's not what I said!"

"It's not their fault!
I-I just don't know what I did.. I mean, I know my body isn't the way it was when we first met, but Jesus Christ I've had five kids!"

"Jessica, your body is beautiful!  You carried our babies in your belly, and went through hell to get them them here.  Your body is the most beautiful creation I've ever laid my eyes on."

"Then why are you being so selfish?!"

Danny sighs and says, "I don't know.. I just thought I'd go to LA.. Clear my head, and.. Shit, I don't know!"

"Well Daniel.  Did you ever once think of me?  Did you ever think of your kids?  You want to leave me alone with our children because you need some Me time.  Okay.  How about me?  Hm?  You don't think I need some Me Time?  Oh but I'm the mommy, and the mommy has to keep it together every minute of the goddamn day, isn't that right, Daniel?  Well I can't do it by myself!  These children are our responsibility, and I can't rely on someone else to help me with OUR responsibilities!  I mean, do you not feel any guilt at all leaving us two weeks early this sudden?"

"I do..
Fuck.." He says letting out a deep breath.

"It's just that there's been tension between us.. You're never happy with me anymore.  Ever!  We don't even have sex!"

"Wait.  Is that what this is about?
Are you leaving because you're not getting any?"

"Of course not!"

"I'm sorry if I pushed out three babies in one year, and had complications after my birth with the twins! I'm sorry that I'm still not comfortable with a fucking dick up my vagina, and I'm sorry that I don't feel in the sexy mood because I'm too busy taking care of Our five children! And nursing three of them!!
I'm sorry that sex isn't high on my list of priorities right now."

"Jessica, it's not about sex. I-"

"Then what is it?!
Are you cheating on me again?!"

"No Jessica! I would never-"

"Don't say never, cause you've done it once before!"

"And I've told you that I hate myself for what I did to you. I'll never forgive myself for what I put you through. I will never ever hurt you that way again."

"But why do you want to leave me?" She looks at Danny with sadness in her eyes.

Danny see's her tears and his heart breaks.

"I don't want to leave you.. I love you, baby."

"I'm just so confused." Jessica says with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Danny walks closer to her and wraps his arms around her.

"I want you to be happy, Daniel." Her voice was muffled.

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