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Jessica looked up and saw Danny at the end of the nursery.

"Is he asleep?"
"Yeah.  I just needed to get out of that room for a while.  What are you doing?"
Danny shrugs his shoulders as he traces his finger tip on the window of the nursery and stares at a baby that was squirming around.
"Just thinking." He says in a low voice.
"Yeah, me too."
"I remember being in here with the kids when they were newborns."
"Seems like just yesterday, doesn't it?"
"Yeah.  Remember how fast Jackson came?  I called your mom and she wanted to know if we were settled in yet, and I was like yeah, she had the baby!"
"Hm!  Yeah.  He was easy.  Sofia.. was not." She nods her head and slightly raises her eyebrows while looking at the babies.
"Oh I felt so horrible for you!  That was so bad!"
"You're telling me!" She scoffs.
"Yeah.. Hah.. well anyway, I guess we should get back to the room."
"You can go home Danny.  I'll stay with him."
"No, I want to stay here."


Jessica fell asleep in bed with Jackson, and Danny slept in the chair beside the bed.

The next morning Jessica got out of the bed and rubbed her lower back.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, the bed just wasn't the best on my back."
"Here, let me." Danny stands up and goes to rub it for her.
"No it's okay."
Danny looks at her and she slightly turns her body to let him massage it.
"How did you sleep?"
"I didn't really sleep at all, but it's fine."
"Oh, sorry."
"No it's okay."

Danny continues massaging her back and slowly leans down to kiss her neck.
Jessica moves and Danny sits up straight.
"My back feels better, thank you."
Danny walks to the window and looks outside.
Jessica goes to the bathroom and gets a sick feeling in her stomach.
Danny hears her throwing up and he knocks on the door.
"Jess, you okay?"
"I'm fine!"

"Mommy?" Jackson wakes up.
"Mommy will be right back.  How are you feeling, bud?" Danny sits in the bed and rubs his leg.
"I want mommy!" He whines.
"She's coming, are you hurting?"
"I want mommy!"
"Yeah I get that Jax."
"I want mommy!" He cries.
"Uh.. Jessica?!" He turns to the bathroom.

Jessica walks out with one hand on her stomach and the other hand running through her hair, before she sees that Jackson's up.
"Hi baby, how do you feel?"
"He wants you." Danny chuckles.
"Awe, you want me?  *Giggles*  I like to be wanted!" She hops over to the bed and cuddles him.
"I wanna go home!" He says in a sad voice.
"Well the doctors gonna come in and talk to us, then we can go home!"
"And watch Barney?"
"And watch Barney!" She giggles and hugs him tighter.

"Baby, I'll be right back okay?"
Jessica gets up and covers her mouth as she walks to the bathroom.
Danny follows her and bends down on the ground to rub her back.
"Danny stop, I'm not your problem anymore."
"I'm just doing what I always do when you have morning sickness."
"Well you don't need to."
"... Alright." He says in a whisper before he stands up and walks out shutting the door behind him.

After she's finished, she rinses her mouth out and sighs as she grabs handfuls of her hair.

The doctor comes in to talk to them and he clears Jackson to go home.
After he left Danny stepped out for a few minutes.

"Hey Jax, I'll be right back okay?  I'm gonna grab some hot tea to settle my tummy.  It's right out there, is that okay?" Jessica asks.
"Mhm." He smiles.
"Okay, I'll be back." She runs her hand through his hair and kisses his head.

Jessica walks out and Danny had his back towards her while talking on the phone.

"Yeah, I'm still here.  I couldn't leave them alone.... Yeah I wanna see you too.. We need to talk."
He turns around and sees Jessica standing there.
"Let me call you back." He quickly hangs up and drops his phone in his pocket.
"Was that your girlfriend?" She raises an eyebrow and walks passed him to grab some tea.
"No!  She's not my girlfriend.  She-"
"Hah!  You've got my confused with someone who gives a shit." She smiles.
"Jess I'm breaking it off with her."
Jessica stays looking down and he says, "You have to believe me when I say how sorry I am, and how fucking stupid I am!  Jess, I need you."
Jessica stirs her tea then looks at him and says, "Daniel, now is not the time or place. *Takes a deep breath* But I do have a favor to ask you... Will you take Jackson and I home?"
"Of course!  That's what I was planning on."
"Thanks." She walks past him and back into the room.

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