Not a dream

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The doctors pulled Jessica away as she screamed Danny's name.

"Stop it!  Let me go!  Let me go!  wake up, baby!!  DANNYYYYY!!!!"


Jessica jumped up and looked around as she breathed heavy.


... Oh thank God.. It was only a dream."

She runs her hand through her hair and catches her breath.

"But this whole mess isn't a dream.." She sighs.

"I need to see him!" Jessica throws the blanket off and goes to the kids as quickly as she can.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go back to daddy, okay?  Just in case he wakes up, I wanna be there."

"Okay, momma.  Here are our pictures." Sofia smiles and hands her their drawings.

"Oh thank you guys!  Daddy's gonna love them!"

"Good!  Mommy, can we go see him in the hospital?" She asks.

"I don't know if they'll let you guys.  I'll ask when I get there."

"Okay.. I just really wanna see him."

"I know you do, baby." Jessica smiles.

"Tell daddy I love him." Jackson says.

"I sure will, Jax." Jessica rubs his back and kisses his cheek.


Jessica got to the hospital and Dorothy left to go get some lunch.

"Hey baby, I'm back." She smiles.

"The kids drew you some pictures, wanna see them?"

Jessica sits beside him and looks at the kids pictures.

"Jax did this one, can you tell?" She chuckles.

"This ones Sofia's... 

It looks like us.. I'm major pregnant! *laughs* and there are the kids.  We look happy, don't we?" She smiles at him.

Jessica sits them down on a table beside the bed, then looks back at Danny and sighs.

"Oh Danny.. I had such a horrible dream.  I-- Well I don't wanna talk about it.  I just want to be here with you."

She puts her ear to his heart and closes her eyes.

"I love you, Danny." She whispers.


A nurse comes in and checks Danny's wrap on his rips.

"How long will that take to heal?" Jessica asks.

"It usually takes about two months."

"Oh.. and the disc in his back?"

"It could take a few months to heal.  He'll be on pain medicine, and he might have to do physical therapy for a few weeks.  But so far the doctor doesn't want to do any surgery on him."

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