Mama wake up!

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"So dad.. he just left?  I know I told him to but you'd think he would try to talk to me."

"Sofia, your father had an emergency."

"What?" Sofia scoffed.

"Coltan and his mother were in an accident."

"Who's that?  The slut and their demon spawn?"

"Sofia!  I did not raise you to have a mouth like that!"

"Well that's what they are!"

"Sofia he's my husband, of course she's not my favorite person.. but it isn't that little boy's fault.  His mother died, Sof."

"What?" Sofia was mad but she was never this mean spirited.

"He's in the hospital and your father has had to give him blood.. he doesn't know abou his mother yet and even when they tell him.. He's two!  He won't understand."

Sofia stayed quiet. She thought about what would happen if it were to happen to them. Her little brother's are two. If they lost Jessica they wouldn't understand where she went.

"I know you're mad at your father.. I am too.  But no matter how it happened.. that's his son and he could die, Sof."

Sofia looked at Jessica with tears in her eyes.

"He's just a little baby.. you're right, it's not his fault.  He didn't deserve for his mother to die. He doesn't deserve to be in the hospital fighting for his life."

"I know, Sof."

"Is dad gonna stay with him for a while?"

"Yeah." Jessica nods.

"Good.. at least he's with him.
Momma.. I don't know what's gonna happen between you and daddy but.. I just want you to be happy.  I know daddy's a good guy but.. he just hurts you too much."

"I know.. but he is a good man, and an amazing father."

"But is he a good husband?"

Jessica pauses and chuckles softly.

"You're a smart girl, Sof.
He is a good husband.. he just has his moments of not being a great husband every once in a while."

"Well you deserve to be treated like a queen.. you're my best friend in the whole world, mommy.. and I want you to be happy."

Jessica smiles and holds her hand out for Sofia.
She sits her down on her lap and Sofia hugs her mother tightly.

"I love you, baby girl."

"I love you more."


Danny's POV.

Danny never left his son's side.  Coltan was very weak so he slept mostly.  Danny didn't know where exactly things would go from her, but he wanted to protect his son and to care for him.  In a perfect world he'd take him home and he and Jessica would raise him.  Of course he didn't expect Jessica to agree to that.  There was a lot of thinking he had to do, but what he did know was that he wouldn't just forget about his child.  He wanted to give him the best life possible.

Leanna; the aunt Trisha and Coltan have been living with, kept Danny company at the hospital while everyone went back to the house.

"You know you have full custody now, don't you?"


"What are you gonna do?"

"I want to keep him.. I love this little boy."

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