I need answers!

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"Yes, he's alive. He's at the hospital, I don't really know much about how it happened."

"Oh my gosh.. Where's Coltan?"

"With John, I didn't say anything to him."

"Alright, well I'm on my way."


Jessica called Sarah on the way to the hospital and told her what was going on.

Jessica couldn't believe what was happening.  She was so close to seeing Danny and finally being with him, and this happened.  She prayed and cried the whole drive over.

When she arrived at the hospital Jessica ran to the front and demanded answers.

"I'm Mrs. Huston, Daniel Huston's wife.  What happened?  Is he gonna be okay?"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but I don't have any answers for you at the moment.  Just take a seat and the doctor will be right out to speak with you"

"Jessica!" Zoey hurries over to her.

"Take a seat!" Jessica scoffs.

"My husband was just shot, I need answers!"

"I know, honey.  It's going to be okay.. Danny's strong, he'll be fine."

"I'm just so scared!" Jessica cries as she hugs Danny's mother tighty.

"Me too.."

"Mrs. Huston?"

"Yes?  That's me, how is he?"

"Mrs. Huston, your husband was shot between his T11 and T12 vertebrae.  We are taking him into emergency surgery right now to control the bleeding and attempt to salvage as much spinal function as possible."

"Oh my gosh.. Will he be okay?  How will he be after this?"

"We'll have to wait and see.  For now we know he will be paralyzed from the waist down.  A few days after surgery we will start rehab to hopefully gain his mobility back.  At this point we don't know if it is permanent or not"

Jessica closes her eyes and rubs her head.
"Okay.. thank you."

"We will keep you updated, Mrs. Huston." The doctor places his hand on her shoulder and Jessica nods.

Zoey gives her a hug and they both cry not caring who's around to hear them.

"What if he's paralyzed, Zoey?  What if he never walks again?"

"Sweetie, we can't think like that.  He'll be okay!"

Jessica and Zoey waited for hours in the waiting room.  Every once in a while they would send out a nurse to let them know how Danny was doing in surgery, and so far all was going well.

"Jessica, now may not be the time but.. what else are we gonna talk about?"

"What is it, Zoey?"

"You and Danny.. are you two back together?"

Jessica sighs and looks down.
"Tonight I called Danny and told him to meet me at a restaurant in town.. I told him I loved him.. tonight was supposed to be the beginning of a new chapter for us.  I should have just gone to his house, I shouldn't have asked him to go anywhere!"

"No honey, don't do this.  Don't blame yourself."

"Zoey.. my family will think I'm crazy for going back to Danny.. but I love your stupid son."

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