My big baby!

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"I don't want you to leave." Danny pouts and holds Jessica's hands just before he leans in to kiss her lips.

"Mm.. I'm sorry, baby, but I'll be back soon!  And I'm bringing our little minions." Jessica smiles.

"I can't wait to see them!  I still think it's so unbelievable that we have five kids!  I mean, we were so used to only two, and then the twins came immediately after Bella so I'm still not used to it!"

"I know, it's crazy!" Jessica looks off and Danny kisses her cheek.

She looks to him and smiles, then pecks his lips.

"I've gotta go.  I'll see you soon!"

"Okay.  Call me when you land, sweet buns." Danny lightly slaps her ass.

"Haha! I will jelly belly!" Jessica grabs his stomach and lightly scratches her nails on it.

"Hey! The role calls for a thicker Danny!"

"Just more of you to love, baby!" She smiles and squeezes him tightly as she lays on his chest.

Danny chuckles and kisses the top of her head.


Jessica slept on the flight back to Minnesota so she was rested up to have at least half of the energy all of her little babies had.

When she landed George and Sofia were there pick her up.

"Mommy!" Sofia ran as soon as she saw Jessica and hugs her tight.

"Sofia!  I missed you, princess!"

"I missed you more!  Did you and daddy have a good time?"

"We did!  Thank you for asking, sweet girl." Jessica says as she kisses the top of her head.

"How were you, your brothers and your sissy?"

"Jax cried this morning because he missed you, but me and grandma Dottie told him he would see you today."

"Awe!" Jessica pouts.

"Yeah.  Arabella was okay with me and grandpa Al, but she didn't really want anyone else."

"Did she do okay with her medicine?"

"Yes!  I can always make her take her medicine, momma."

"That's right!  Thank you, baby." Jessica smiles.

"You're welcome!  Oh and the twins.. Mommy."


"They were pretty terrible."

Jessica laughs at the frustration in her daughters face.

"I'm sorry, baby."

"It's okay.  I just feel bad for uncle George."


"Mommy, the twins don't like him."

"Hah!  Well I'm very sorry, uncle George." Jessica pats his back.

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