We need you

523 39 16

Jessica's contractions became stronger and lasted longer, which told her that she was progressing.

She was standing up, leaning over the bed and holding herself up with her hands, as she swayed her hips back and fourth.
She didn't scream, or call anyone names, the only sound she made was deep breathes in and out.

The whole time she felt her baby move inside of her, and she thought, She's so active.. How can she be so weak?

Her mom walks over to her and whispers in her ear, "I'm so proud of you.  You are so so strong." She rubs her back.
Jessica turns her head and gives her the smallest smile.

"Danny, press my hips together!" She says in a voice that you can tell she's desperate and in pain.
Danny does what she says until she tells him to stop.

She stands up and turns towards him and everyone else in the room, which right now was, Dorothy, Albert, George, Sarah and Danny.
No one really knew what to say.  What should be a happy and exciting experience, was a sad and tortuous day.
"Can I get you anything, Jess?  Do you want some ice chips?" Sarah asks.
"Yeah.. Thank you."
"Sure!  I'll be back."

Jessica gets another strong contraction and she quickly grabs onto Danny.
He holds her around her back and they sway like they're slow dancing.
Jessica puts her forehead on his chest, and breathes through the pain.
Danny puts his mouth on her head and takes in her sweet scent.

She doesn't deserve this.  If this is a way of punishing me for what I did, stop it.  This is ripping a life away from her.  She didn't do anything... This baby didn't do anything.  Please don't take her away from us.


Jessica was sitting up in bed, and the room was completely silent.
She looked down at her small belly and saw the baby bouncing around.
She places her hand on it and closed her eyes to take in every movement.

Danny was standing beside her, he never once left her sight.
Jessica reached over and grabbed his hand, taking him by surprise.
She placed it on her stomach and put hers on top of his.
Danny looked down at their hands, and didn't blink for a while.

His nose slightly flairs and his lips quiver.
Suddenly tears start rolling down his face.
Jessica cries as she watches him.
A loud sob escapes his lips and her puts both hands on her stomach as he climbs on the bed.
Danny put a leg in each side of her, and laid his head on her stomach.

Everyone was shocked at his actions, it was a sad sight, and they left the room to give them some privacy.
Jessica placed her hands on his shoulders and cried with him.
"I'm sorry!" He mumbles into her stomach.
"I love you so much!  Please stay strong.. Don't leave us.  We need you.. Oh my God, we need you!" He sobs uncontrollably.
Jessica has never seen Danny like this, and she was taken back by it.
She brushed his hair up so she could see his face, and he looked up and her.
Neither one said a word, they just looked at each other with red, swollen, watery eyes.
Danny went back down and kissed her stomach repeatedly.
"Don't go.  Don't go." He kept saying over and over again.


Jessica lifts her hips and looks like she's uncomfortable, so Danny asks, "Are you okay?"
"I feel like I need to push."
"You do?!"
"Yeah, like really bad!" She makes an uncomfortable face.
"I'll go get someone." Sarah runs out to grab a nurse.

Jessica lays back and tries her hardest not to cry.
She stares straight up at the ceiling and breathes in and out.
Danny kisses her forehead and rubs her arm.

The nurse comes in and checks her, "Okay Jessica.. It's time."
Jessica looks down at her and takes a deep breath.
The nurse had tears in her eyes, and looked at Jessica and said, "Can I just tell you that you are an amazing woman.  To go through all of this pain, and not take the easy way out.  You are the strongest and most incredible woman I've ever met."
"... I'm just a mom that loves her baby." She says with a shaky voice, in almost a whisper.

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