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Sofia left the kitchen and Jessica sighed.

"Poor kid.. have we fucked our kids up, Jess?"

"No, Danny!"

"Well think about it, we separate and get back together, we have a second wedding and have all these kids, then we separate again! I find out I have a son, then his mom dies so he's stuck with me.. a screw up for a father!"

"You're not a screw up, Danny."

"I am.. I've screwed up the most wonderful thing in my life and now I'll hate myself for it every single day until I leave this earth."

Jessica sighs.
"Danny, yes we had a rough marriage and at times it could be very toxic, that's why us separating is the best thing for not only us but for the kids as well. Sofia doesn't understand that but one day she will and she'll see how it was the best thing we could do for them. I love you, Danny. You know that I do.. but this is for the best and you know that."

"I know.. You're right.
I-I should get going.. thanks for letting me stay."

"Thanks for dinner."


Danny pasts her and Jessica quickly stops him.
"Danny wait!"

He turns to her and she runs over to hand him his cookies.

"Here! Don't forget your special cookies."

"Heh.. thanks, Jess."

Jessica smiled very softly and looked down.

Danny went to the living room and said goodbye to the kids before leaving.

Jessica cried silently in the kitchen while Danny left with Coltan trying his best to hold back his tears.
Even though they knew this was the right thing, it didn't make it any easier. They've loved each other for so long and being apart was torture for the both of them.


Moving day is coming fast and Jessica wanted some time with Sam. She was planning on spending the whole weekend with him.

"Momma, maybe you can come to daddy's for dinner." Sofia smiles sweetly.

"No, I don't want to take away from your father's time."

"But it was fun the other day.."

"Sofia, I know out of all the kids you're taking it the hardest, but please believe me when I say this is for the best.  I know change is hard, baby, I do.. but it'll be okay."

"What will you be doing alone?  I mean at least daddy has Coltan when we're not with him.  You're just all alone."

"I won't be alone, I'm gonna have dinner with a friend."

Sofia sighs and looks down.

"What, I can't have friends?" Jessica chuckles.

"Well is it Sam?"

Jessica didn't know what to say.  She didn't want to lie to her daughter.

"We're just friends, baby."

"I know you were having lunch with him that day you saw us having lunch with daddy."

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