A little bit longer

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Danny rushes to the emergency room.

Once they get there, he offers to take the baby, but Jessica won't let her go.

"No! I've got her, just get the other two!"

Danny grabs the kids' hands, and they follow Jessica.

She explains what happened, and cries for their help.

"She's having trouble breathing, please help her!" Jessica sobs.

They immediately take Arabella back, and Jessica tries following, but they stop her.

"I'm sorry, ma'am you can't go back there."

"What? I'm her mother! I have to go back there with her, that's my baby!"

"I'm sorry, but you need to let us do our job." The man says before heading back.

Jessica looks at Danny with fear.

"Danny, how do they expect me not to go back there? She's just a baby! She needs me!"

Danny grabs her and brings her to his chest as she cries.

"She's gonna be fine, Jess.. She's gonna be fine, okay!"

"Danny, why does this keep happening to her?"

"I don't know.. Jessica, she'll be okay."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" Jessica turns on him and hits his chest with her fists.

She starts breathing heavy and Danny sees her start to sweat.

Sofia was sitting next to Jackson, trying to comfort him as he cried.

He didn't understand what was going on, but he knew something was wrong, with the way his mother was acting.

"Jessica, you need to calm down for the boys! The last thing we need right now is you getting sick, or going into labor."

Jessica looks at him with tears and mascara running down her face.

She turns away and slowly waddles off.

It seemed like they were back there forever, and they still had not heard one thing.

Jessica walked over to the front desk, and banged her fist on the counter.

"We have been here and not one person has come through those doors telling me if my baby's okay! Now, I need you to tell me how she is, Right Now, or I'll go back there myself! and Don't you Dare try and stop me!"

Jessica was fuming.

"Mrs Huston." The woman says, when a doctor comes out calling them.

"Jessica!" Danny calls her over.

She walks fast over to the Doctor and with wide and tearful eyes, she asks, "Is my baby okay?"

"She's fine."

"Oh thank God! What happened?!"

"What your baby was having, was an asthma attack."

"An asthma attack?" She asks shocked.

"But she's just a baby." Danny says.

"Asthma can happen to anyone at any age."

"So.. What do we do?"

"We gave her some medicine, and in a little while we will be doing a breathing treatment on her. We'll need you to help keep her still." He looks at Jessica.

"Okay. Will this happen again?"

"After the treatment, we will discuss your options in everyday inhalers.


"Yes. Your baby has a little more severe case than most babies. But she's be fine if given the proper treatment. You've been here with her before, correct?"

"Yes, she had stopped breathing during the night."

"That's what I thought. She's a preemie as well, right?"


"Okay. Go ahead and come back, Mrs. Huston, and we'll start the treatment, then see where to go from there."

"My husband can't come?" She asks.

"Baby, you go, and I'll take the kids to my mom's. I'll be right back."

"Okay. Be careful." She kisses his cheek.

"You too. Call me if you need anything."

"I will."

Jessica goes over to kiss the kids.

"Mommy, what's wrong? Is Bella okay?" Sofia asks with a worried look.

"She's fine. They're taking care of her." Jessica gives her a teary smile.

"Mommy, I'm scared!" Jackson hugs her and cries.

"It's okay, baby! Everything's fine, just like momma said it was!" She smiles and rubs his back.

"Daddy's gonna take you to grandma's and we'll come get you in the morning, okay?"


"But I wanna stay here! I wanna see her!" Sofia says.

"Sweetie, you can't. They don't let kids back there."

"But Arabella's there and she's younger than me!"

Jessica chuckles and says, "Arabella is a patient, that's why she's back there. Please don't question it, you're going to grandma's and that's that."

"Yes ma'am.." She pouts.

"Thank you. I love you both, be good."

"Yes ma'am... We love you too.."


Jessica goes to the back and Arabella was crying in a nurses arms.

"Oh my poor baby! She's scared."

The nurse hands her over, and as soon as she sees Jessica, she calms down.

"Yeah.. You're all better.. Everything's better in momma's arms." She smiles and lightly bounces her.

Jessica sits down and sits Arabella on her lap for her breathing treatment.

"You poor little baby! I hate seeing you with this mask on!

But at least it has a cute little penguin on it!" She giggles.

Arabella squirms in her lap, and tries taking off the mask.

"No no, baby girl. You need this to get better! Just a little bit longer, and you'll be fine." She kisses her head.

"Look, let's play with mommy's phone! You always like that, don't you?" Jessica smiles and opens the camera.

Arabella smiles and excitingly moves her hands.

"Yeah! You see that pretty girl? That's you!"

Arabella giggles and Jessica takes a picture of the two of them.

"Let's send this to daddy."

J: *Someones being a big girl!*

D: *That's my beautiful little fighter! I'm on my way, baby.*

J: *Okay, be careful!*

"Daddy's on his way!" Jessica smiles and kisses her head.


Random, but who all has asthma?  I do and it's so horrible! 😭😭😭
Anyway!  How are you guys liking this story?  I really enjoy writing it.  I have a lot of ideas for future chapters!  🙃😏🤐

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