Where were you?

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"Here's some money.  I'll call you and we can figure out where we go from here."

"Well thanks!" Trisha smiles and takes his money.

"I'll see you soon, bud!"

"You leaving?"

"No we're leaving, Cole. We have to go back home."

"No!" He pouts.

"I see you gen?"

"Yes you'll see me again! Don't you worry!" Danny smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Luh yew dada!"

"... I love you too, son."

When Danny left his phone started to go crazy.
There were texts from Jessica cussing him out and tons of voicemails.

*Fuck you Daniel! You went over there to see that woman instead of taking your own son. He's at the hospital with appendicitis and he's asking about you. So I hope you had a good time with your other family while your son is here crying in pain. Fuck you!"

Danny's heart dropped when he heard that. He quickly drove to the hospital and ran in.

"Daddy!" He hears so Sofia's voice.

"What happened?! Where is he?"

"Jessica's back there with him. He's gonna need surgery, Danny. Where were you?"

"I..I had something. Dammit! I need to get back there." Danny takes his phone out and calls Jessica.

Jessica looked down at her phone and declined his call. Jackson was scared about the surgery and the last thing she needed was to deal with Danny.

"George, why do I always do this? Why do I always fuck up?"

"Stop saying that word!" Sofia says.

"I'm sorry, Sof." Danny sighs.

"I feel terrible. I need to see him before the surgery. Go talk to that lady over there and tell him he's your son."

Danny listened to George and went over to speak to the receptionist.
She was able to get Danny back before they prepped him for surgery.


Jessica looks at him with anger then looks back down and softly runs her fingers through Jackson's hair.

"Daddy! Where were you? What took you so long?"

"I'm so so sorry, buddy. I'm here now though.. you're gonna be okay. They're gonna make you feel all better."

"I'm scared." Jackson cries silently.

"I know, bud.. But you're strong! You'll be okay." He smiles and rubs his arm.

".. I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"It's okay.. you're here now."



"Mommy don't leave me!" Jackson began to panic when he saw the nurses come in.

"I won't leave you, baby. Just relax. You're okay."

"I wanna go home!"

"I know, my love. It's okay.. momma's here.. momma's here, sweet boy."

Once they took Jackson in for surgery Jessica walked off.

"Jessica!" Danny grabs her arm but she snatched it away.

Danny sighed and watched her walk off.

"Jess I'm sorry."

"I've heard I'm sorry one to many times, Daniel."

Danny felt so horrible. He was afraid this time Jessica wouldn't be so forgiving.

Jessica went out to the waiting room without Danny.

"Mommy is Jackson okay?!" Sofia says with one of the twins on her lap.

"He's okay, baby. They just took him back for surgery.

"I'm scared, momma."

"He'll be okay, baby.
George, will you please take the kids to mom and dad's?"

"Of course.. kids, you guys stay here for a second. I'm gonna talk to your mother."

George stands up and walks over to the side with Jessica.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah he'll be fine."

"No I mean you and Danny.. Danny seemed pretty upset."

"Yeah well I would too if I was an asshole."

"What happened?"

"Nothing! Can you please just take the kids to mom's?"

"Sure.. You want me to come back and stay with you?"

"No. No I'm fine.. thank you though. I'll call you and let you know what's going on."

"Okay.. I'll see you later." George reached out and pulled her in for a hug.

Jessica broke down and started sobbing into his chest.

"I'm sorry!"

"Don't be sorry. It's okay, Jess.. I don't know what's going on but I'm here for you. Call me if you need me and I'll be right over."

"Thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you too."


Jessica sat alone just starring out the window when Danny came over to talk to her.


Jessica looked at him and didn't say a word.

"I'm sorry."

She rolled her eyes and turned the other way.

"I know you're mad-"

"I'm beyond mad, Daniel. I am Furious. How could you? I haven't even had time to process what's happened and you can't even wait to see this woman and her child. You should have waited until I was okay with it, you at least owe me that!"

"I know.. I know I do."

"Then you just totally forget about Jackson. Yes George was with him but I feel terrible that his mother or father weren't. This is Jackson, Danny! He's your son! I don't understand any of this and I don't think I ever will..
I've decided that I'm going to take Ryan up on that offer."


"Yeah. I'm gonna take the kids with me once Jackson is okay to travel. We'll be going up to New York and you can spend some time with your new family. You and I need some time apart."

"No. Jess don't do this." Danny touched her hand and his eyes filled with tears.

"Please don't do this."

"I can't deal with this right now, Daniel. This is all too much."

"What can I do to get you to stay?"

"Don't talk to them anymore."

"... Jess.. I can't.. I can't do that."

Jessica nodded her head and did her best to hold her tears back.

"Thirteen years I've been your wife. I have forgiven you when you deserved to rot. I have given you five beautiful children. I am your wife, Daniel! If you can't do this for me.. then you don't deserve me."

Jessica stood up and walked away. She refused to let him see her cry over his ass again.

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