Focus on myself

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While Jessica was outside Sofia went to the kitchen to serve Arabella her well deserved ice cream.

"Thank you so so much, sissy!"

"Thank YOU!  I think we scared him off for good!"

"I hope so!  That man NOT going to be my daddy!"

"No way!"

Jackson walked in and Sofia gave him a big smile before giving him a hug.

"Thank you for helping, Jax!  Calling dad was great!  Now mom sees how much he really cares for her!"

"I feel like a mean boy, and that's not what I am!"

"Well I'm always an angel!  But I'll do whatever it takes to get them back together."

Jessica walked in and went to the kitchen.

"Sofia.. I'm shocked with this new attitude you have.  I didn't raise you to be a brat!"

"What?!  How am I a brat!"

"Those questions you were asking Sam!  That voice and snooty rich girl attitude!  Sofia, you know that is Not acceptable.
And Jackson and Arabella!"

"Don't get mad at them!  This was all my plan, they just did what I asked!  If anyone is going to get punished, it's going to be me!"

Jessica sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"I just need all of you to get to bed.. and why do you have ice cream, little girl?"

"Sissy gave it to me!" Arabella holds her bowl close to her protecting it from her mother's reach.

"Sissy's just raising you now, huh?"

"She give me ice cream cause I hit the bad man!"

"Sofia, we do not encourage hitting!"

"I know.." Sofia looks down.

"No be sad!  Here, have some my ice cream!" Arabella pats her back and holds a spoon full of ice cream near her sister.


The next day Jessica was able to see Sam.  They went out to dinner while the kids were with her parents.

"Sam.." Jessica sighs.

"You know how much I care about you.. and I think it's really sweet that you came all the way over here to see me."


Jessica looks at him and pauses.
"But I need to focus on myself.  I have to get over this whole separation, and I need to focus on my kids.. they're the most important things in the world to me and their behavior last night.. it was extremely uncalled for but.. I think it's a cry for attention.  I haven't been as present as I should be and that's not right.  I need to allow myself to heal and I need to give them a chance to get used to the idea of Dany and I not being together. 
I'm not blaming you, this was my fault.. I should have never gotten into a relationship so soon.. The truth is you make me feel good.. you make me happy.. but I don't love you the way you love me.  You mean too much to me, Sam.. I don't want to hurt you.."

Sam nods.
"I completely understand and I think it's good that you're taking time for yourself."

"Thank you.."

"I had a feeling that you felt that way but.. well I didn't mind being used by you." Sam chuckles.

"Sam, I don't want you to say that!  I wasn't using you!  Like I said, I wanted to be with you because you made me happy.. I'm just in such a difficult time in my life right now and.. I need time for myself."

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