You're lying

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"Mhm?" He smiles.
"Can you please tell me." She looks at him with a worried look on her face.
"Sure, mommy."
Jessica raises her eyebrows and Danny smiles, "It says positive."
"Are you sure?  You're lying to me, Daniel Huston!"
"No I'm not!  Look." He picks it up and shows her.
"You're pregnant."
"Oh my God... I'm pregnant?" She says in a whisper.
"Yep!" He smiles.
"Oh God.."
Jessica takes a deep breath and a tear rolls down her face.
"Why are you crying?"
"How are we gonna do it?  Arabella is three months old, and will still be in a hospital for a while.  I'm gonna be having another one by the time she's one!  Are you sure I'm not just fat?"
He chuckles and says, "No, baby.  I knew your belly was too big, with all the dieting you've been doing, and working out."
She looks down and runs her hand over it, "Yeah, it is.. *Gasps* I've been working out!  What if I hurt it?"
"I'm sure it's okay, but we'll make an appointment as soon as possible just to make sure everything's okay."
Danny smiles and touches her shoulder.
"We're pregnant again!  And I'm gonna be here for you the entire time.. And I'm gonna spoil you so much, you won't have to lift a finger.. That baby is gonna stay inside of you the entire time!"
Jessica can't help but smile at him.
"Oh Danny.. What would I do without you?"
"You'd have a hard time getting pregnant, that's for sure."
Jessica laughs and wraps her arms around him, and he kisses her lips.
"We're having a baby!"
"Shh, your'e gonna wake the kids!" She laughs.


The next morning before they head over to visit Arabella, they go upstairs to the gynaecologist.
"Danny, I'm nervous."
"Don't be, it's okay." He grabs her hand.

"Mrs. Huston."
Jessica looks at the nurse and Danny stands up, with her hand still in his.
"Let's go, baby."

"So Jessica, what brings you in today?"
"Well I don't have any symptoms, but I've been gaining a lot of weight, so last night my husband told me to take a pregnancy test, and it came back positive.. so.."
"Alright, let me get the heart doppler and we'll listen for the heartbeat."

She puts it on her stomach, but they can't hear anything.
"Why isn't there a heartbeat?" Jessica asks.
"Sometimes it's hard to pick up on these thing, but let's try for a few more minutes, before we do an ultrasound."

Five minutes pass and Jessica begins to worry.
"What's going on?  Why can't I hear my baby?"
"Just one second." The nurse hurries up and gets her ready for an ultra sound.
She quickly pours the gel on her belly and puts the scanner on her lower abdomen.
"Am I even pregnant, or is something wrong?"
The nurse stays quiet and Danny asks, "What happened?"
"We lost it, didn't we?" Jessica knew deep down in her heart that something was wrong.
The nurse turns to them and says, "I am so so sorry."
Jessica's lip quivers and she nods her head.
"Alright.. Okay, thanks." She says with slightly wide eyes, as she tries not to cry.
The nurse gives them a few minutes, and Jessica just looks down.
"I'm so sorry sweetie." Danny hugs her.
"Do you think I did this?"
"Of course I don't!  Don't ever think that!"
"You shouldn't work out that way when you're pregnant.. I did this, Danny."
"No you did not!"
"I wasjust worried about how I looked.. I'm so selfish."
"Jessica, stop it!  You are not selfish!"
Danny pauses, then says, "I just keep thinking about when I lifted you over my shoulder.. Do you think I could've hurt the baby, by pressing into your stomach like that?"
"No, the baby is protected in my uterus, there's no way you could have done that."
She takes a brief pause, and says, "It just wasn't meant to be.. It's okay..."
Danny could see how much pain she was in, and that she was just trying to be strong.

After they left, they went downstairs to visit the baby.
"Hi baby girl.. How are you today?" She says looking down at her in her arms.
"You are so so beautiful, do you know that?" She smiles at her.
Jessica looks around at the place her baby has been staying the first three months of her life, and it started to upset her.
"This is all my fault.  I just can't carry babies anymore.  I mean, it's obvious.. I had Arabella early and now I lost this baby... I'm the problem."
"Don't say that!  None of this was your fault!"
"How am I supposed to feel otherwise, Danny?"
Danny gets down to her level and looks deep into her eyes.
"I hate that you feel this way, but I need you to understand that none of this was because of you.  It wasn't, so stop saying that it was.  Things happen and a lot of times we have no control over it.. It sucks, but that's life.  So please do not blame yourself."
She lightly nods her head and he kisses her cheek.
"I love you and I hate it when you're like this.. I just wish I could take your pain away, baby girl."
"Thank you.. I love you too, Danny."

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