She's smiling!

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"Will you come to the hospital and see her?"
"You wanna ride with me?"
"No it's okay, I'll drive myself, thanks.  Let me just go upstairs and change, I'll be right back."
"Alright, I'll wait so we can get there at the same time."

Sarah follows Danny to the hospital and they walk over to the NICU.

"Hi baby." Jessica smiles at Danny.
"Hey." He kisses her, then moves to the side and she sees Sarah.
"Sarah?  What's wrong?"
"Nothing!  Jess.. I'm sorry.  I should have just minded my own business, but.. Well you're my best friend, and I'm just very protective over you.  Please forgive me for what I said.. I am happy for you... But I miss you so much, and I don't want us to be mad at each other anymore."
"Oh Sarah.. Of course I'll forgive you.  I love you so much!" She hugs her tight.
"Oh I've missed you!"
"I missed you too.  Jess, I was just jealous.  I wanted to be the one to take care of you, I saw how he hurt you and I wanted to make everything better for you, and the kids... and when you told me that you were back together, I just... well my jealousy went a little overboard."
"Sarah, I'm so lucky to have someone like you that cares about me so much.  You helped me through the toughest moments in my life, and I love you so so much for that!" She hugs her again.

After the tears stop, Jessica smiles and asks, "Do you wanna hold the baby?"
"Of course I do!"
Jessica picks her up and hands her to Sarah.
"Oh look at her!  She looks a lot better, Jessica."
"She does.. She's had a rough couple days though... She doesn't want to eat, but we're getting better, aren't we, Arabella?" Jessica says in a cute voice.
"How much does she weigh now?"
"A little over three pounds." Jessica says, with sadness in her voice.
"Aww... Keep eating baby, so you can grow big and strong!"
Jessica smiles and asks, "Sarah, will you be her Godmother?"
"Aw, Jess!  I don't know what to say!"
"Say what you said when I asked you the first two times!"
"Oh!  Yes!  Yes!" She laughs.
"Thank you, Sarah!" Jessica giggles.


Three weeks later.

"Mr. and Mrs Huston, I just wanted to let you know that with Arabella hitting four pounds, she's not in such a crucial state, and if you'd like, you can bring your two older kids for a visit."
"What?!  Really?" She smiles.
"Yes, ma'am.  You're little girl has made some improvements, and she deserves to finally meet her siblings."
"Oh my Gosh.." Jessica covers her mouth and cries.
Danny brings her to his chest and holds back tears, "Thank you." He tells the doctor.

The doctor leaves and Jessica looks up at Danny.
"Danny!  They get to see her."
"I know." He smiles and wipes her cheek.

That night when they get home, Danny tells the kids to sit down, because they had something to tell them.
"How's the baby?!" Sofia smiles.
"She's great!  Guess what!" Jessica smiles.
"You finally get to meet your little sister!"
"Ahhhh!  Really?!"
"Oh my gosh!" She hugs Jessica and cries.
"Aw, sweetie!"
"I'm just so happy!"
"Oh me too, baby." Jessica rubs her back as a tear rolls down her face.

"Jackson, are you excited, bud?" Danny asks him.
"Yeah!!!" He yells loudly making Jessica laugh.

The next day the kids got ready to go to the hospital.
"Kids, before we go, I just want to talk to you.
Arabella is still very very tiny, okay?  She's barely four pounds, so that means we have to be very quiet, and extremely gentle.  Yes?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Thank you, Sof.  Do you understand, Jax?"
"Mhm!" He nods as he stuffs his face with pancakes.
*Jessica giggles*
"Ah!  I'm just so excited!  I get to see my baby sister!" Sofia screams.
"Yeah!  Oh sweetie, I'm so happy you two get to see her.  She's So precious."

When they get there, Danny holds Jackson, because he's usually one to run around a lot.  Sofia held Jessica's hand, who was anxiously waiting to see her baby sister.

They go to the back and Jessica's heart races with excitement and nervousness.
"Here she is." Jessica smiles.
"Wow!" Sofia's eyes light up.
"The baby!" Jackson smiles and points.
"Yeah, this is your baby sister!" Jessica smiles at him.
"She's so tiny!" Sofia whispers.
"She's tiny, but she's strong!"
"She sure is." Danny agrees.
"You can touch her.  Just be very gentle, and don't touch her face."
Even though they washed their hands forever, getting them as clean as possible, Jessica didn't want them spreading any germs that could harm the baby.

"Jackson, do you want to touch her?"
"Go ahead, baby.  Very gentle.
Good boy!" She smiles.

Jessica picked the baby up and sat in the rocking chair, so the kids could see her a little better.
She couldn't help but cry just watching the expressions on her kids faces.
It was like they were staring at a pot of gold.  You could feel the love and bond between them.
"She looks like mommy, but her hair I think will be like Daddy's."Sofia smiles.
"I think so too." Jessica says.
"Look her eyes!  She's opening her eyes!" Jackson points.
"She is!  She wants to know what's going on!  Arabella, this is your brother and sister, baby girl! 
You two, talk to her."
"Okay.. Hi Arabella!  I'm your sister, Sofia!  I love you." She kisses the top of her head.
"Awe, you're so sweet!"
"Jackson, can you say hi?" Danny asks.
"Hi, baby!  My names Jackson!" He waves, making Jessica chuckle.
Arabella makes the cutest little smile.
"Awe, she's smiling!  She's never done that before!" Jessica says.
"She can tell they're her siblings.. She probably remembers their voices from when she was in your belly." Danny says.
"Probably.  Like whenever they were fighting." She smirks at Sofia and Jackson.
"Hey, it's him!" Sofia points.
"No!" Jackson pushes her.
"Hey, hey, hey, no fighting!" Jessica tells them.

They stayed there for hours just looking at her, even when she was sleeping.  The didn't complain that she didn't do anything, they just loved watching her.

One week later.

"Danny, am I gaining weight?" Jessica asks him.
Danny just looks at her and she whines, "DANNYYYYY!"
"What, baby?"
"No I don't!  I just think you look very healthy.  You had lost a lot of weight extremely fast, and now you just look like yourself."
"Well I think I look thick.. not fat, but just a little.. Hefty, and I'm gonna go on a diet."
"No you're not!  Jessica, I don't want you stressing over this."
"I'm not!  I won't go crazy, I just want to loose a couple pounds.  We have awards coming up, and even though we probably won't go, I still want to be ready just in case.  It's just a little workout, and healthy eating.  Nothing drastic."
"Okay, fine.  I'll go on this diet with you."
"Yay!  Oh, it's gonna be so fun!"
"Life without donuts is never fun." He says making her laugh.

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