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This story will be dipping into our current situation going on in the world.  I am in no way trying to be disrespectful by adding this into my story.  I am praying for everyone that has been affected by this horrible sickness.


Before arriving to the hospital, Danny called Jessica's doctor.

"Baby, I spoke with Dr. Fisher and he told me that with all that's going on, I will not be able to go in with you.  A nurse will come and walk you in."

"No Danny, please don't!  I don't want to go, and especially alone!"

Jessica's sobs broke Danny's heart.

"Baby girl, I'm so sorry but you need to see the doctor before this gets any worse.  I promise I'll stay out here until you're finished."

"I'm so scared, Danny.."

"I know.. But you'll be okay.
  You're in good hands, baby.  It's going to be okay." Danny places his palm on his wife's cheek.

"Danny.. If I have it and.. if I don't make it then.."

"Stop it!  We will not talk like that, Jessica!  You're going to be just fine, baby!"

"Let me finish!" Jessica shouts before she coughs. "I want you to know that I love you.  I forgive you for everything you've ever done to me.. and I wish we wouldn't have spent so much time apart.  I regret that.."

"I love you.  I love you so much!  Our time apart only made us realize that we really do need each other.  I need you to fight, Jessica.  Think about our love, our children.. and fight until you are back home with us.  Okay?"

Jessica nods her head and wipes her tears.

Shortly afterwards a nurse came by to take Jessica.

After hours and hours of waiting, Dr. Fisher called Danny.


"Mr. Huston?"

"Yes.  Is she okay?"

"We have tested Jessica for COVID-19, and will have the results back tomorrow.  For now we are doing everything we can to keep her comfortable.  We will call you in the morning with the results."

"I can't stay with her?  Please, I don't want her to stay alone!"

"I'm very sorry, but with everything going on right now, no visitors are allowed.
  I will give you her room information so you can call her."

"Thank you.."


"Hello.." Jessica answered in a weak and tearful voice.

"Jess!  Hey baby!" Danny tried his best not to sound worried.

"Danny, I don't wanna be here!" Jessica cries.

"I know, baby.  But with your recent medical problems, the doctor thinks it's best if you stay there just for observation."

"Danny, watch the kids.. especially Arabella.  She's already so sick, and if I gave her this horrible sickness, I'll never ever forgive myself!"

"Jessica, we don't even know if you have it.  We have to be positive."

"Please just separate the kids.  Bella needs to be somewhere alone.  Please do that for me, Danny."

"Okay.. I will.."

Jessica then pauses as he tears get her. ".... I love you, Danny." Her voice shakes.

"I love you so much more, baby doll.  I love you so much!" Danny says as he silently cries.

Danny was so happy he was able to hear Jessica's voice that night.  The next morning when Dr. Fisher called him. Jessica had taken a turn for the worst.

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