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Once Coltan was home from school he seemed more like himself.
Jessica sat with Danny and watched him as they discussed what they were going to do.

"I'm going to look up some of these therapists and see which one sounds the best.  I'd like to get him in as soon as possible."


Jessica types on the computer and Coltan runs over.
"Mommy, what are you doing?"

"I'm searching for places that Daddy and I can take you to talk about what you're feeling."

"Do I have to go in by myself?"

"I don't know, baby."

"I don't like to be alone."

"I know you don't.  But even if you have to go in by yourself, daddy and I will be right in the lobby.  That's not far away at all."


"I promise!" Jessica smiles.

"Good!  Jessie?"


"Can I have a sandwich?  I didn't eat."

"Why didn't you eat your lunch at school?"

"Because my tummy felt funny and then I threw up!"

"Oh poor baby!  Well I'll make you a sandwich, let me just call this place really quick!"

"Okay!  I love you!" He hugs Jessica's legs.

"I love you too, baby!" She rubs his back before he takes off to play with his siblings.

Danny looks at Jessica and she sighs.

"I don't think school is right for him right now." She says.

"Let's just see what this therapist says."


They were luckily able to get Coltan in on Thursday to see the therapist.
Dorothy watched the twins and Arabella while Danny and Jessica took Coltan.

Coltan held Jessica's hand walking into the office as Danny wheeled himself in his wheelchair.
Jessica signed him in and they went and sat on a couch in the waiting room area.

Coltan kicked his little legs on the couch and fiddled with his hands.  He was obviously a little nervous.
Jessica patted his thigh then wrapped her arm around him.

"After this we can pick up your brothers and sister and go play at McDonald's, how does that sound?"

"That sounds fun!"


Not too long after, the therapist comes out and greets Coltan.

"Hello Coltan!  My name is Dr. Coleman!" She smiles.

Coltan becomes shy and lays his head on Jessica's side.
"It's okay, Cole.  Say hello!"

"Hello.." He says in a very low voice.

"It's very nice to meet you!  Is this your mommy and daddy?"

Coltan nods his head.

"I'm Daniel and this is my wife Jessica."

"A pleasure to meet you both!  Now Coltan, why don't you and I go back and talk?  We can even play games and color!"

"You have games?"

"Of course I do!"

"Okay.. but just for a little while."

Jessica giggles and helps him down from the chair.

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