The last straw

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After their talk Danny went upstairs to pack his things.
Jessica laid in the living room and cried silently. This wasn't easy for her, but she had to be alone and just focus on her children.

Sofia heard muffled noises from her room so she got up and walked to her parents bedroom.

"Daddy?" He heard a small voice from behind.

Danny sniffled and turned to her with red puffy eyes.

"You're leaving?"

"I'll still be in New York.. I uh.. I'm gonna stay with a friend for a while."

Sofia walked over and sat on the bed.

"Daddy, I told you to fight for her.. I knew this was going to happen."

"Your mother deserves better than me, Sof. I love her too much to not let her be happy."

Sofia's eyes filled with tears. Yes she was the one that wanted Jessica to leave Danny, but no matter what they are her parents and them being separated was going to be hard on her.

"Don't cry, princess.. It's all going to be okay." Danny spoke in a low voice as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"It's just gonna be weird.. What about family vacations or Christmas morning? We're never going to go to DisneyLand as a family again." Sofia was quickly realizing how much their lives were going to change.

"Sweetie, don't cry. It'll be okay.. Hey, look at me.
.. Your mother and I will figure something out okay? We don't hate each other, we're going to make this as easy as possible on you guys."

"You promised everything would be okay."

"And it will be! Your mom and I need some time apart.. I'll never stop loving her.. I'm crazy about her."

"Then fight for her!"

Danny sighed and looked down. This was such a different attitude from the other day. Sofia was in tears after hearing the news and that was something he didn't expect.


Danny put Sofia in bed and kissed her cheek.

"I love you, Princess."

"I love you too, daddy."

"Stop crying.. rest your eyes, everything is going to be okay."

Sofia nods her head and Danny wipes her tears.

"Sleep tight, baby girl."

Danny walked out to the hall and leaned his back against the wall.

"We just need some time apart.. this isn't going to last.. it can't..
Please.. I can't live without seeing these kids and that beautiful woman everyday.. I know I screwed up but.. I thought leaving to see my son was the right thing to do.. Never did I think it would be the last straw.."

Danny grabbed Coltan and told him they needed to leave.

"Where we going, daddy? I a sweep."

"I know, I'm sorry bud. We have to leave."

"Ms. Jessica no want us here no more?"

"No, that's not it! We just have to go."

"But I tired." He whines.

"You can sleep in the car, let's go."

Coltan fuses as Danny picks him up and walks downstairs.

Danny put the bags and Coltan in the car before he walked over to Jessica.
Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"I'll always love you, Jess. I'll never forgive myself for the things I did.. thank you for putting up with me for as long as you did.. I know I didn't deserve it.
..I want you to know that I really really care for you, and even though it didn't seem like it.. I tried to give you everything... I'm so sorry."

Jessica's bottom lip quivered but she tried her best not to cry.

Danny softly caressed her cheek.
"Goodbye, my babydoll." He spoke in a tearful voice.

"Goodbye, Daniel."

Jessica closed the door and fell to the floor in tears.

Sarah came in to check on her but Jessica just wanted to be alone.

"Please Sarah, I just want to be alone right now."


Sarah felt for her friend. She, Jessica and Danny have all been friends since high school. Sarah has seen the pain he's caused her, but she's also seen the happiness he brought her.
When you're with someone for so long then separate, it's hard.  No matter what has happened, it's always difficult.

Jessica's phone rang and rang.  Finally she got up to see who it was calling her so late.
It was Sam.

"Sam, please not now.."

"Jessica wait!  Don't hang up!  I'm so sorry!  I didn't mean-"

"I'm so tired of hearing I didn't mean to.  Goodnight, Samuel."


Jessica hung up and tossed her phone to the side. 
She ran her hands through her hair and laid down on the couch.

"This is good, Jessica.. You'll get through this and you'll be okay.."

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