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Arabella's birthday is in just a few weeks so Jessica is out shopping for her while Danny is home with the three younger ones.

It was very rare Jessica was out alone so she was pretty excited.

Danny's POV.

"Arabella, eat your veggies."

"Uhm no. I not doing that." She nods.

"Yes you are, come on and stop being a sassy pants.

"Daddy NOOOO! It tastes like dirt!"

"You eat them when mommy makes them."

"Ma no make them taste like dirt!"

Danny chuckles and nods his head when he hears glass being shattered.

He ran to the living room and saw both boys standing there with wide eyes around two broken lamps.

"Ooooh!" Arabella giggles as she walks into the room.

"He did it!" The twins point to each other.

Danny sighs, "Do not move!"

"No spankies!" Joseph nods his head.

"I'm not gonna spank you, but do not move. I don't want you cutting your foot."

"Carful, daddy. Joe brokeded it."

"No I did not!" Joseph shouts.

"It doesn't matter who did it, I just need to clean this all up!"

Danny walks over and grabs the boys before putting them in the playpen.

"Heyyyy! Get us out!!" Joshua yells.

"I okay daddy. I take a nap."

"Thank you, Joseph."

Joshua starts bawling and jumping up and down.

Danny ignores him and Arabella runs over. Her curly little pigtails bouncing as she runs with excitement.

"You have to be in there cause you stinky booooyys!"

"Go way Bella!!" Joshua yells.

"Arabella Kaidyn, get in that kitchen and finish your food."

"Not gon happen, daddy!"

Danny chuckles and nods his head.

"Do we act like this with mommy?"

"No! Ma has good food! She got boobies! I lub milkies!" She smiles cutely.

"You don't even drink boobie milk anymore, silly."

"Cuz I big girl and I eat food?"


"... Daddy, can I have a dog?"

"Well very random, Bella, but no. No you cannot have a dog."

"What! But WHY?!" She pouts.

"Arabella, please watch tv so I can clean up this mess before mommy gets home."

"I almost tree and I wanna doggy!"

Danny continues to clean and his phone starts ringing.

"Bella, can you please hand daddy his phone?"

Arabella looks at him down on the ground, ".. No."

Danny sighs and gets up to answer his phone.

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