We're Broken

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Jessica walked back into the house in tears.

"Jessica! What happened?"

"He told her!"

"What are you talking about?"

"The other night when I went to Sam's he had a girl over and she heard me.. He told her everything and she sold it to the press. Sarah, I trusted him!"

"Oh honey, i'm so sorry!"

"This is all so unfair!" Jessica sobs.

"I know, honey. You don't need either one of those guys, Jess."

"I just want to go home. I don't want to be around anyone.. I'm so mad and embarrassed.. and hurt. Sarah, Sam hurt me!"

"I'm sorry, Jessie."

Jessica's phone started to ring once again.

"Dammit! Why don't they just leave me alone!"

"They're just worried about you, Jess."

"I can take care of myself!"

"You can't ignore them forever."

Jessica sighs.

"Give me the damn phone!"

Sarah grabbed her phone and handed it to her. It was her sister Jane.

"Hello?" Jessica answered in a shaky tone.

"Jessica! What the hell?!"

"Don't start, Jane! I'm going through a lot and I don't need you telling me how stupid I am!"

"Well you are! Jessica Lange, we were not raised to stay in a marriage and be treated the way you were! and a baby?! Jessica, what the hell!"

"Jane stop it!"

"If you stay with him, you are just setting yourself up for a miserable life, Jessica! This is ridiculous! This toxic relationship is doing no good for anyone! Not you, Danny, his little bastard of a kid, or your children. You're honestly so stupid!"

Jessica hangs up her phone and throws it across the room.

"Fuck her!" Jessica screams.

"Jessica, calm down. The kids are upstairs and you're going to scare them."

"I know.. I'm sorry.." Jessica takes deep breathes trying to calm down.

Danny walks down stairs still fuming.

"Sarah, can we have a moment?"

Sarah looks to Jessica and she nods.

"Stay calm.. Both of you!" Sarah gives Danny a hard look.

"When did this happen?" Danny asks looking down to Jessica who was sitting on the couch.

"Danny, I don't want to talk about it."

"No.. We're going to talk about it. When did it happen?"

"Once when we first moved here.. and then the night before you left for Texas."

"Oh God.. Why did you do it?"

"Why did you do it?"

"Jessica, don't do this."

"Well Daniel, it's the same thing! Our marriage is not the best! Anyone can see that.. I wanted to get out of that feeling for a while.. When you cheated, you were unhappy, right?"

Danny looked down and didn't say a word.

"Right?" Jessica asked again.


"Well I'm unhappy now, Daniel. I don't know if we're even worth fighting for anymore."

"But we've been through so much."

"I know.. and that's why saying this is going to be so hard."


"I think you should leave.. we don't.. we don't belong together. We aren't working and haven't been working for a while now. We deserve to be happy.. I thought that being with you made me happy but.. it's too much right now and.. we need to separate. I won't keep you from the kids but.. our time together is up.. I can't fight anymore.. I can't fight for something that was gone so long ago."

Danny had tears in his eyes. As mad as he was about the affair, and no matter how much he didn't want to let Jessica go. He knew she was right. They both have been fighting for so long, and they both knew it shouldn't have to be this hard. Losing Jessica was going to be the absolute hardest thing for him. But like he's said before; He wants her to be happy. Even if it weren't with him. He never thought it would actually happen, but now it was all becoming so real.

Danny got down on his knees and Jessica looked at him with tears running down her face. She loves him and she always will, but right now their love caused more stress than happiness. In that moment they both knew it was over.

"We're broken Danny.. we've tried.. but you and I cannot be fixed."

"I'm so sorry."

"..Me too."

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