Why did you do it?

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"Oh Christ.."

"Danny, I'm sorry!" Jessica looks up to him with a worried look.

He just looks down at her and Sofia slowly walks down the stairs with tears in her eyes.

"How could you do that?  How could you do that to mommy?"

"Sof, listen!" Jessica says but Danny interrupts.

"Jessica.. don't."

She looks to him with a nervous expression.

"All that she's gone through with the babies and her being sick and in the hospital.. Daddy, how could you?!"

"Sofia, it was before all that!  I love your mother and I-"

"No you don't!  Dad why would you do that?  Mom is a good person!  She's beautiful!  Did you not think she was beautiful enough?  Why did you do it?"



"Sofia sweetie, calm down." Jessica walks up to her and holds her arm.

"Is this why he left?  That's why we weren't living together?"

Jessica looks down at her daughter speechless.

A nods was all she was able to give.

"Why did you take him back?"


"Why did you take him back after what he did?"

"Because I love him."

Sofia bends her knees and sits down as she sobs into her hands.

"Baby don't!" Jessica gets down and holds her.

"Daddy and I discussed this for a long long time.. And he showed me just how much he loves me.. I never stopped loving him and neither one of us wanted to divorce each other."

"I just don't understand!"

"I know, sweetie."

Danny sits in front of them and slowly reaches for Sofia's hand but she gives him a look and pulls it away.

"Sofia, I'm sorry!  I hope you know just how much I love your mother.. How much I beat myself up about what I did to her every single day!  I wish I could take it back sweetie, I do!  I don't know why I did it.. I wish I at least had a reason, but I don't.  I swear with everything I have, I will never hurt our family again."

She looks at him with tears in her eyes as Jessica holds her.

"Where are you going?  Mommy said something about you leaving."

"Los Angeles."

"For what?"

"A movie."

"I don't want you to hurt her again.  I don't want you to leave her."

"I won't baby.. I promise you I won't."

"Does anyone else know that you did this?"

"Just aunt Sarah."

Sofia looks down and cries softly.

"I don't feel good, mommy." She nods.

"Let's get you up to bed, baby."

Danny stands up and Jessica looks at him and says, "Stay with the babies, I've got her."

With a sad look in his eyes Danny says, "I'm sorry.."

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