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"Are you ready for today?" Danny says as he and Jessica lay side by side in bed.

"I'm a little nervous."

"What's there to be nervous for? Five kids versus two parents.. A runner, a princess, three on the boob and one that constantly wants mommy.. Tell me, Why are we doing this again?"

Jessica laughs playfully hits his chest.

"It'll be fun."

"Yeah.. *Yawns* Let's get up."


"Oh look at my babies!"

"We're mouses, mommy!" Jackson smiles.

"Yes you are! Let mommy take your picture before the babies yank their hats off!
Look at mommy and say Cheeeeeese!"


Jessica snaps a few pictures hoping to get at least one where all five of them were looking at the camera.

"Look at Josh!" Danny laughs at him scrunching his nose and attempting to smile.

"Little stinker!" Jessica laughs.

"Bella Boo, look at mama!"

"Maaaa!" Arabella reaches her little hand to Jessica.

"Smile, Princess!
Oh I think that was a good one! One more-- Oop!  And Joe's hat is on the ground!"

"Well at least we got one, baby." Danny chuckles and pats her hip then kisses the top of her head.

"Yeah.  Alright, who's ready for Disney Land?!"

"Meeee!" Jackson and Sofia shout scaring the babies and making them cry.

"Oh no!  Haha, it's okay, little buddies!" Jessica laughs.

"Maaa!  Maaaa!" Arabella sobs and reaches for her mother.

"Oh my goodness!  You three are fine!"


"Babe, are you sure your okay while I ride with them?"

"Yeah, It's nap time and Boo is getting sleepy.  The boys I'm not too sure about, but we'll take a baba and see, won't we?" Jessica smiles at them.

"Well good luck, baby. We'll be back!"

"No Ba!" Arabella shouts and makes a frown to her mother.

"Oh you're gonna take a ba!" Jessica chuckles at Arabella's response.

"No!  No ba!" She pouts.

"You are just such a princess!  My baby girl is so spoiled, isn't she?"

Arabella babbles and pulls on Jessica's top.

"Goodness I've created a monster!  You're gonna get boobie, just hold your horses!"

"Boys, you'll take a baba won't you?"

The boys coo and kick their legs with excitement.

"Hah!  You're such cuties!  You make mama's heart melt!  Yes you do, my handsome boys!"


"One more ride!  PLEEEEEASE!" Jackson and Sofia beg.

"Okay, one more ride!"

"Mommy, will you get on with us?"

"Hey what about me!" Danny pouts.

"You got on with us all day, mister!" Jackson points his finger.

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