I've already won

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22 weeks pregnant.

Danny took the kids to the park, and Jessica went to spend the day with Sarah, since she's been in LA for a couple months.

"Jessica!  Oh my gosh, look at you!"
"I know, I've grown!" She laughs.
"You look so precious!  And look, you brought the baby!  Here, give me that heavy thing!  You sit!" Sarah grabs the carrier and sits it beside her, then takes the baby out.
"Hello, Arabella!  Oh my goodness, you're so beautiful!" She kisses her forehead.
"Jessica, you both look great!"
"Thank you!"
"Now tell me!"
"What?" Jessica plays dumb.
"Come on, you know!  What are you having?!  Was I right?!" She smiles big.
"Haha!  It's two boys!"
"YES!  I was right!!!"
Jessica laughs and Sarah says, "Oh my God, Jess, you're gonna have three boys!"
"I know!  The house is gonna be full of em!"
"That's crazy!  Aw, I'm so happy for you guys!"
"Thank you!  So, how are things with you?"
"American Horror Story is shit without you.  Why did you leave?!"
"Hey, I've been having babies!"
"Heh!  True.  But, still!  It's not the same without you!"
"Well thanks, boo."
"So you've been MIA for the past year, and everyone is wondering why.  They don't even know about Bella yet." Sarah says talking about the fans and pretty much everyone who isn't close with her.
"Yeah, and your point?"
"Well you're nominated for an Emmy, I was wondering if you were going.  They miss you, Jess.  And they're worried about you."
"Awe, they're worried about me?!" She puts her hand on her chest and smiles.
"Yes!  Everyone asks me about you."
"Well that's sweet." She smiles.
"Actually, Danny and I were talking about that, I think I'm gonna go.  It'll be good to get out."
"Definitely!  Yay!  I can't wait!  You're so gonna win!"
"Eh, I don't know.."
"Oh come on, you will!"


25 weeks and five days pregnant.

"Danny, look at me." She says standing in front of the couch where he was reading his book.
Danny looks at her and smiles.
"You're beautiful!"
"Thank you.  I'm twenty five weeks and five days today... The same-"
"That's how far along you were when you had Arabella.."
"That's weird.  Come here." He takes her hand and guides her to his lap.
He supports her back, and holds her stomach with the other hand.
"The day you delivered Bella made my love for you skyrocket.  I know I say that all the time, but my love for you just keeps growing and growing.  What you did when we both expected the worst... You blew my mind." His voice shakes.
"Each birth has been so extremely different each time, and I'm excited to go through this next one with you.  Holding your hand.. Being your coach.. I can't wait." He gives her a small smile.
"Danny.. She smiles and softly grazes her fingers on his cheek.
"You are so perfect.  You have brought three and soon to be five of my children into this world.. I'm a lucky lucky man, Ms. Lange."
"Yes you are!" She laughs.
"Yeah!" He chuckles, then kisses her lips.


August 24th.

Twenty seven weeks pregnant.

Jessica didn't want to leave the kids, so they brought Danny's mom with them to LA for the Emmy's.

Jessica covered Arabella up as much as she could.  It wasn't cold, but she can't risk her getting sick.
She and the baby, both got approved by the doctor to fly, so she decided she'd go.

Sarah came over to Jessica's hotel, so they could all get ready over there.
"Look at that belly!"
"That's rude, Sarah." Danny ran his hand over her stomach.
"Haha, very funny, Danny!"
Their relationship has gotten better.  They both love Jessica, and the kids, so they know that they will always be stuck with each other, so they might as well get along.

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