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"The family of Jessica and Coltan Huston?"

Danny immediately jumped to his feet.
"Me! I'm her husband, that's our son!" Danny hurries towards the doctor.

"Are they okay?  Please tell me they're alive!" Danny says in tears. "My son was in an accident a while back, I gave him blood!  Please let me go back there, I can do something!"

"Mr. Huston, your son and wife both are suffering from TBI, and several broken bones.  I—"

"TBI?" Danny looks at him with a confused expression.

"A traumatic brain injury.  Your son's care is moderate.  Fortunately he's already woken up from the hit.  He does have brain swelling which will cause sleepiness, but he will be fine."

"And my wife?  Jessica has to be okay.. Please tell me she's okay!"

The doctor takes a deep breath.
"Mr. Huston, Jessica's brain injury is quite severe.  Right now she is unresponsive."

"Well let me back there, I can wake her up!  I'm her husband, she'll wake up for me!" Danny begins shouting.


"Mr. Huston, please calm down. We will do everything we possibly can for your wife."

"I need to see her."

"Right now we are running more tests, but you can see her once we're finished."

"I'm so scared.. I can't lose her.." Danny had tears pouring down his face. People were staring, but he didn't care.

"She's my everything, Doctor.. I can't live without her.... and my son.. he's okay? You're sure he's okay?"

"I'm positive."

"Can I see him?"

"Of course."


Danny pulled himself together before seeing Coltan. When he finally made it into the room, he was heartbroken at the sight.
Coltan looked so tiny.  He was wrapped up in bandages, he has cuts and bruises all over his body.  Danny wished so badly he could take away the pain.

"Colt buddy.. it's daddy." He whispers.

Seeing Coltan sleeping, covered in bandages, cuts and bruises, made Danny lose it. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he walked over to his son.

"Coltan.. son, I'm so sorry.."

Even though the doctor said Coltan would be okay, Danny knew this would really set him back. Not only is this traumatizing, but he's already been through this once and lost his mother in the process.

"Cole, everything's okay.. I promise you, everything will be okay. You're going to be fine.. Momma will be fine.. everything has to be fine!"

Danny sat with his son for a while. He held his hand and spoke to him. Then Coltan started to wake up. Danny was nervous. He was happy he was awake but, he knew Coltan would ask about Jessica.

Coltan's eyes slowly opened.
"Daddy?" He said in a hoarse whisper.

"Hi buddy." Danny hid his sadness and smiled at his son.

"Mommy.. mommy!" He tried to shout but couldn't.

"Mommy.." He cried softly.

"Buddy, don't cry. There's no need to cry. Mommy's Fine!"

"No! No, she died, daddy! My mommy is gone for ever and ever!"

"Jess? You mean your mommy Jessica?"

"Yes! She's gone!"

"No buddy, she's not! Mommy is fine."

"But the car hit us and I saw her! She was hurt!
.. Then it was dark. It was dark!" He sobs.

"Coltan, you've gotta calm down, buddy. You're gonna make yourself sick."

"My head.. it hurts!"

"I know it does. That's why you need to take deep breaths and calm down.. just close your eyes and think of your happy place.. tell me what your happy place is, Cole."

"In my room.. in my mommy Jessie's arms..
Daddy, mommy is my favorite girl in the whole wide world." Coltan looked at his father with tears and quivering lips.

"I don't wanna lose her."

Danny swallowed the lump in his throat.
"You won't, bud."


Danny stayed with Coltan until he was fully asleep. By that time Jessica was ready for a visit.

Danny stopped himself before entering her room. He was preparing himself for the worst. When he walked in he broke down in tears. Jessica didn't look like herself at all.

A nurse stood beside him. Watching him filled with so much emotion, she gently placed her hand on his back and said, "Mr. Huston.. talk to her. She might be able to hear you."

Danny looked at her full of tears. He then turned to Jessica and slowly walked closer.

"Jess.. oh my beautiful Angel.. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. I don't deserve you.. I never did.
But you.. for some reason.. you love me.. and can still handle my dumbass." He chuckles softly.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you baby.. But I am so so happy I did it whatever it was."

Danny then looks around at all of the monitors she was attached to. "I need you to be the strong woman I know you are, baby. You need to fight and pull through! The kids.. they need you, honey.. and I.. I need you, Jess. I need you so bad!" He cries.

He then moved closer and softly placed his hand on her.

"Looks like we made it....
Look how far we've come my baby.." Danny sang softly.

"We mighta took the long way..
We knew we'd get there someday.." His voice was shaky but he wanted to sing to her. He wanted to sing the song they loved so much. The song that fit them so perfectly.

"They said.. "I bet.. they'll never make it"
.. But just look at us holding on..
We're still together still going strong.." Danny sniffles and says, "We're still going strong baby, nothing can hurt us. Nothing!"

He then takes a deep breath and continues.
"You're still the one I run to
The on that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life....
You're still the one I love
The only one I dream of
.. You're still the one I kiss gooood niiiight.." Danny finishes by kissing her softly.

"Please. Please stay with me!"

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