Chapter 1-Born

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November 21, 1966

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November 21, 1966

"Okay, so, Mrs. Nicole Tallerico, you're in labor." Dr. Smith said as he entered the room. He was relatively young, being only twenty-nine years old, "And it's too late for an epidural because of the time you got here so I'm going to need you to push!"

"It's Nicole Madden! I haven't married this asshole yet! And he impregnated me!"

"Hey, you came onto me—not the other way around!" the so-called 'asshole', whose name was Steven, said.

"Either way, ma'am, you're going to have to push!" Dr. Smith said, "Like, right now."

"Okay, okay, okay," Nicole said as she pulled herself up to be more comfortable, "Now?"

"Yes, ma'am. Push as hard as you can, don't forget to breathe."

"Okay," Nicole nodded and began to push, "Oh gosh, shit—ugh!" she yelled and cursed, pushing as hard as she possibly could.

"Just one more ma'am," Dr. Smith smiles at her and after she pushes for the final time, he gently guides the baby out, "You have a baby girl!"

"Why isn't she crying?" Steven asks, "Aren't babies supposed to cry when they enter the world?"

"Not always, I'm sure everything is fine, but I'm going to take her for testing to be on the safe side. In the meantime," Dr. Smith said.

"What do we name her?" Nicole asks, "Her middle name, no matter what, has to be Nicole."

"How about Athena?" Steven suggests, "Athena Tallarico."

"Oh you want her to have your name?" Nicole scoffs, "Fine. I guess it's only fair if she's going to carry my name too. You can pick her other middle names because I'm about to pass out."

Steven covered his mouth from laughing as she actually did pass out, "My goodness, Nicole. You're something else."

"Mr. Tallarico?" Dr. Smith smiles as he comes back into the room, "Your daughter is perfectly healthy. Six pounds, eight ounces. A little light for a newborn, but she's healthy."

"She's so beautiful," Steven said, mesmerized by his newborn daughter.

"So, whats her name?" Dr. Smith asks with a smile as he writes in the information for the birth certificate.

"Athena. Her name is Athena. Athena Nicole Shakira Katheryne Tallerico." Steven finally says as he looks down at his daughter, "You're going to be a star one day. I can feel it already. And when you become one, don't get absorbed in it. Never forget what got you there. And never forget who you are. And never stop doing good for the world."

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