Chapter 17-Fear of the Unknown

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"Hey, baby

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"Hey, baby. What's going on?"

"Um, well, there's a bit of a...concern over at my house." Athena replied into the phone, "Would you mind coming over?"

Kayden widened his eyes, throwing a shoe at the wall behind his sister to get her attention as he repeatedly shook his head and mouthed, 'NO!'

'Shhh!' Athena mouthed back, her full attention going back to her father on the other line.

"Of course, I'll be there soon."

"Okay, see you in a minute. Okay. Bye." Athena said, hanging up the phone before turning back towards her brother with her hands on her hips, "What was that about?!"

"You invited him over!"

"Yes," Athena said as she nodded her head, not understanding what the big deal was, "So?"

"He's going to kill me!"

"Don't be so dramatic," Athena rolled her eyes, sitting down on the couch, "Nicole would actually kill somebody, she's crazy. But dad wouldn't. The worst that can happen is he never trusts you again."

"Hena!" Kayden scolded, "Not helping!"

"Right." Athena pursed her lips and crossed her legs before she heard a knock on the door.

"Hena!" Kayden panicked.

"It's open, dad!" Athena called as she got up, walking towards the wooden structure as it opened, revealing her father, "Hey, dad. How are you?" she asked, pulling his hand up to her lips and gently pressing a kiss there.

"I'm good, sweetheart," Steven smiled at her, pulling her into a quick hug before leading the way to the living room, "What's going on?"

"Well, as you can see, Kayden is here," Athena addressed as they all sat down, "And he has something to tell you."

"What's the matter, Kayden?" Steven asked as he turned toward his son.

"Um..." Kayden stumbled over his words, continuously looking to Athena who nodded at him to encourage the words to come out, "Just rip off the bandaid, right?"

"Seems like that's the only way," Athena replied from her spot next to their father.

Athena glanced at her brother, her expression softening as she tried to understand his predicament. Kayden, visibly nervous, tapped his finger on the armrest of the couch, his mind racing with thoughts of how to explain himself to their father. It wasn't easy for him to confess his mistakes, but he knew it needed to be done.

"Well, basically what happened was. I was dating a girl. We lived together, had plans of marriage, the whole nine yards—and then she cheated on me...."

Kayden took a deep breath and dove into the whole truth. He began by recounting his past relationship, the depth of their connection, and the plans they had made together. But then, everything had come crashing down when he discovered his partner's infidelity. Heartbroken and seeking a fresh start, Kayden had impulsively packed his bags and headed to Los Angeles, where fate had introduced him to Athena's boyfriend, Michael.

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