Chapter 42-Escape The Storm

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As the car pulled away from the crowd of reporters and paparazzi, Athena huffed, "What was that about? I am perfectly capable of driving my own car!"

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As the car pulled away from the crowd of reporters and paparazzi, Athena huffed, "What was that about? I am perfectly capable of driving my own car!"

"I'm sorry, baby. You had that look in your eye like you were going to turn around and give them a piece of your mind." Michael said as he gripped her hand, "You need to relax. Just let Bill handle the driving."

Athena sighed and reluctantly nodded, leaning her head against Michael's shoulder.

"Where are we going, boss?" Jerome asked.

Michael glanced at Athena, who had closed her eyes in an attempt to block out the chaos from earlier. He turned his attention to Bill and Jerome.

"Take us to my place," Michael instructed, his voice firm but gentle, "We need to regroup and figure out our next steps away from all this madness."

Bill nodded, focusing on the road ahead as he navigated through the bustling city streets. Jerome turned around in his seat to check on Athena, concern etched on his face.

"How are you holding up, Athena?" Jerome asked softly.

Athena opened her eyes and began fumbling through her phone, "I need to call my lawyer. I have to.....I have to do—"

"Baby," Michael quickly realized she was working herself up to another anxiety attack, "Breathe."

Athena took a deep breath at Michael's prompt, trying to calm the rising tide of panic threatening to overwhelm her. She closed her eyes and focused on the rhythm of her breathing, letting the sensation ground her in the present moment. Slowly, the tight knot of anxiety in her chest began to loosen, and she felt a sense of control returning.

"Good," Michael murmured, his voice a soothing presence beside her, "Just focus on your breath."

Jerome turned back around in his seat, his expression filled with concern. "Do you want me to call your lawyer for you, Athena?"

Athena ran her hand through her hair and shook her head, "No. I got it. Thanks."

As Athena dialed her lawyer's number, she couldn't shake off the feeling of being trapped in a nightmare. The events of the day had spiraled out of control so quickly, leaving her reeling in their wake. She woke up this morning, thinking it was going to be a good day—and now this. She listened to the phone ring, each tone echoing in the silence of the car.

"Hello, this is Lawrence Sharp," came a voice on the other end of the line.

Athena took a deep breath before speaking, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside her. "Mr. Sharp, this is Athena Tyler."

There was a brief pause before Lawrence responded, his tone professional yet tinged with concern. "Athena, what can I do for you?"

"I need your help," Athena began, recounting the events that had transpired since her brother's arrest.

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