Chapter 7-Morning

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Athena fluttered her eyes open and looked around the room

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Athena fluttered her eyes open and looked around the room. The sun was peeking through the slight gap in the blackout curtains and the light was turned off, so it was very dark in the room and she didn't even know what time it was.

As she slowly becomes aware of her surroundings, she notices that her pillow is warm and moving, so she closes her eyes again. But then she realizes that pillows aren't normally warm and they aren't supposed to move, so her eyes snap open again and she picks her head up.

"What the...?" Athena mutters, mentally scolding herself for allowing this to happen as she tries to see who it is.

His head turns and she flinched at the sudden movement. She was surprised at who she saw. She never thought that this would happen, nor did she think it would be any time soon.

But lo and behold, Michael Jackson was sleeping right next to her and she had been using him as a pillow.

"Crap." Athena whispers, "What the hell happened?"

"Nothing bad."

"Oh, Michael!" Athena says in slight shock, unaware that he had been awake, "Did I wake you up?"

"No, I woke up when it got cold." Michael says as he sits up a little, "You give off a lot of body heat."

"I do?"

"You're very warm. I was surprised." he laughs, "What's the matter?"

"How are you not freaking out about this?"

"What do you mean?"

" what happened last night?" Athena asks, "Do you even remember how we got here?"

"I don't remember anything after Randy suggesting a game of 'Who Can Get Drunk the Fastest?' with my brothers and the two of us trying to stop them."

"Okay, so there was alcohol involved in this," Athena nods in understanding, "And I'm assuming that because neither of us can remember what happened that we somehow got dragged into participating in this game."

"Most likely." Michael says as he lays back down.

"How can you be so casual about this?"

"I'm not following what you mean."

"You woke up in my bed and you're not worried about what could've happened last night?"

"No, because look at you. And look at me. We're both fully clothed." Michael points out, "Nothing happened, Athena. It's okay."

"But how did we both end up in my bed? How did we get here?"

"Oh, I don't know." Michael says calmly, seemingly unworried about any of this, "But someone who was with us last night must know, so we'll find out what happened eventually."

"True, but what about—"

"Come here."


"You need to relax, don't worry." Michael says, motioning for her to come closer to him, "Just come here."

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