Chapter 32-Exemption To the Hair Rule

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As the day's events slowly turned into nightfall, everyone slowly dispersed

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As the day's events slowly turned into nightfall, everyone slowly dispersed. Reggie and Adam left for their honeymoon and everyone else went home, Athena joining Michael at Neverland.

"So," Michael mused as he walked up from behind Athena and wrapped his arms around her waist, "About you washing my hair...."

Athena turned in his arms, her eyes sparkling with amusement at the mischievous glint in Michael's eyes. "Are you planning to return the favor and wash mine?" she teased, her fingers tracing patterns on his chest as they stood in the quiet intimacy of Michael's bedroom at Neverland.

Michael chuckled softly, his heart swelling with love for this woman who had become such an integral part of his life. "I would do anything for you," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity.

"I'm kidding," Athena said, nuzzling her nose against his, "But I'll wash yours if you want."

Athena was kind of nervous. One, she had never done this with Michael before. And two, she had never seen him naked. The thought both excited and scared her.

"I'm nervous," Athena confessed as she reached up to play with his hair, "I've never seen you, know."

Michael cupped Athena's face in his hands, his gaze filled with tenderness and understanding. "It's okay, Hena," he said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "There's no rush. We can take things as slow as you need."

"No, I...I want to," Athena said quietly, "I'm just nervous. And you never let anyone touch your hair..."

"You're the exemption," Michael smiled reassuringly at Athena, his eyes filled with nothing but love and understanding. "I trust you, Athena. And I want you to feel completely comfortable with me."

Athena took a deep breath, feeling grateful for Michael's patience and support. She slowly moved her hands to the hem of his shirt, her fingers trembling slightly as she began to lift it up. As the fabric slid over his head, revealing Michael's bare chest, Athena couldn't help but admire the sight before her.

Michael stood before her, vulnerable yet strong, his eyes never leaving hers. She could see the love and adoration shining in them, making her heart swell with emotion. Taking a step closer, she reached out to gently run her fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands under her touch as he reached down to fiddle with his belt buckle.

As she watched Michael's belt buckle come off, a surge of desire mixed with nervousness washed over her.

Michael sensed her hesitation and paused, looking deep into her eyes for any sign of discomfort. Seeing only reassurance and love reflected back at him, he took her hand in his and brought it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on her knuckles before guiding it back to his hair as he got in the shower.

The warm water cascaded down from the shower, enveloping Michael's body as he stood before Athena. She watched him, her heart pounding in her chest as she anticipated this intimate moment between them. With a deep breath, she stepped closer, obviously staying out of the shower, feeling the steam from the shower fill the small space around them.

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