Chapter 36-Under The Tree

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Athena and Michael were sitting in the master bedroom at Neverland

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Athena and Michael were sitting in the master bedroom at Neverland. Athena was multitasking; she was reading and jotting down song lyrics all at once.

Michael couldn't help but admire how beautiful she was. He watched her bite her lip as she scratched out what she wrote and continuously switched back and forth between the book and pen in her hand.

And that was when his conversation with Jermaine, Jackie, Marlon, Randy, and Tito came back to his head. He remembered his mother Katherine and his sisters Janet, Rebbie, and LaToya squealing as he revealed that he wanted to ask her to marry him. He had yet to do it—he wanted to get Steven's permission first. Steven was her father and he was fiercely protective over Athena. He remembered his father being supportive for the first time in a long time. Joseph had voiced his approval of Athena.

Michael made his way over and kissed Athena on the cheek, "I'm going to make a phone call." he whispered in her ear, noticing how she seemed so immersed in the book and the song lyrics that she didn't even flinch from the sudden affection.

Michael chuckled before walking out of the room and to his office, picking up the phone and dialing the number Steven had given him a couple weeks prior.

As Michael waited for Steven to pick up the phone, he glanced around his office and caught sight of the framed photo on his desk. It was a picture of him and Athena from the first day she ever came to Neverland. He remembered how impossible it was to get her to agree to a picture. 

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Steven's voice came through the receiver. "Hello?" he answered.

"Mr. Tallarico, it's Michael," he started, trying to keep his nerves in check. "I wanted to talk to you about something important. Can we meet today?"

"Of course," Steven replied, "Will my daughter be there?"

"Well, not exactly," Michael answered, "I wanted to speak to you about her, so it's probably better if she's not there."

On his end of the phone, Steven had a small smile on his face—he had a suspicion of what this meetup was going to be about, "Of course, son. Meet me at my house in an hour. We can talk."

"Okay, Athena is at my house now. You're her dad...what's an excuse she would believe about me leaving her here for a little while?"

"Tell her you had to check on the new additions to the zoo," Steven suggested with a chuckle, already knowing how much Athena adored the animals at Neverland, "She loves animals."

"Great idea, thanks, sir," Michael said gratefully before hanging up the phone. He quickly made his way back to the master bedroom where Athena was still engrossed in her book and songwriting, "Athena, baby," he began, "I have to go check on the new additions to the zoo. I'll be back soon, alright?"

Athena looked up from her notes, a mix of curiosity and disappointment flashing in her eyes. "The zoo? Again?" she questioned with a playful pout.

Michael chuckled, leaning in to give her a quick kiss before pulling away. "I promise it won't take long. I'll make it up to you later," he said with a smile before turning to leave the room.

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