Chapter 67-The Wind Is Blowing

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August 29th, 1992

"How do you think her secret mission is going?" Janet asked as she paced back and forth.

"I don't know, but I do know Athena is a fiery spirit," Marlon added, "She likely got all of them on her jet. And then some."

All of a sudden, the wind started picking up and things started blowing around, the grass clinging desperately to the ground it was attached to, the trees swaying violently in the howling wind as if nature itself was holding its breath in anticipation.

Suddenly, the roar of engines filled the air and a helicopter descended onto the grounds of Neverland Valley Ranch, kicking up swirls of dust and debris.

Marlon pulled out the camera, "I'm recording this for the behind the scenes footage!"

As the helicopter touched down, still kicking up dust and dirt and debris, Athena emerged from it, closely followed by Prince, Steve, Marjorie, Liz, and Lionel.

"Oh my God!" Janet exclaimed, running toward the group of iconic figures, "You actually managed to wrangle all of them together and make it back with twenty minutes to spare?!"

Marlon followed his sister, "You made it back! With an entourage nonetheless!" he added with a wide grin.

"We made it back just in time!" Steve exclaimed, adjusting his tie with a grin, "Now, let's go give this man the shock of his life!"

"Mama, you gotta go hide," Prince said to Athena, "He can't see you yet." he added as he kissed her on the cheek and nudged her in the opposite direction.

Athena quickly ran off while the group headed inside the house to greet Michael.

They found him being Groomzilla, barking orders at everybody inside, "Can someone please get me a mirror that doesn't distort my face? I need to look perfect for this wedding! I need my tie fixed, and where are my lucky socks? Has anyone seen Bubbles?! Jackie, I need you to go find Mar—" he froze mid-sentence when he saw the group of people enter the room, "Did I get enough sleep last night?" he said before rubbing his eyes and looking again, trying to see if he was hallucinating.

"Surprise!" they all shouted in unison, breaking the stunned silence that had enveloped the room.

Michael's eyes went wide as he took in the sight of his unexpected guests, "Oh my God! Did Athena do this?! Is that where she's been all day?!"

Steve clapped Michael on the back, grinning from ear to ear, "Happy birthday, man! And congratulations on your wedding day!"

Lionel stepped forward, a playful twinkle in his eye, "I don't think I've ever seen a more star-studded surprise wedding celebration in my life."

Prince, always one for flair, struck a dramatic pose, "Only you could pull off getting married and aging another year in such style!"

Elizabeth, her presence regal and elegant, approached Michael with a warm smile, "You continue to surprise us all, my dear Michael. What a joyous occasion this is."

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